Linked Local Network Newsletter Feb 2014


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Now that we have Welcomed in 2014 we wanted to send Blessings for a Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all of our Linked Local Network Community and… Give everyone the latest developments and news for the Coming Year on what we are doing to help serve you in the best way possible to drive more traffic to your sites, build a stronger community on LLN and more…


Here are some of the Latest Developments on Linked Local Network:

*We are back in the Roosevelt University Heller School of Business Incubator. This year we were granted a spot as the Linked Local Network. Last year we were part of the Incubator in partnership with Hands On Suburban Chicago. We grew enough to be accepted on our own.

 *Welcome to our newest Signature Page subscribers, AIMS Education Foundation, Conscious Business Coaching, Empowering Entrepreneurs, Leading to Action, Aero Tech Ligh Bulb Co and Larson Associates.

 *New design, upgraded to WordPress 3.8 and many more upgrades to the site, which will result in faster uploads to the page – which will keep people on the pages longer, added menus, added content and much more.

*We have added new sites, we now have 24 sites within the system. Our goal for this year to upgrade our physical servers so that we can grow to 50 sites all across the nation.

*We are migrating our calendar system to Google Calendar feeds so we are accepting new calendar event feeds. Calendar feeds should be submitted to Carly Alyssa Thorne for review at:

*We will adding more community voices to create more blogging content that creates more traffic to your info.

*If You know of anyone you think would be a good fit to be a community voice please send them to Carly Alyssa Thorne at:

*We will be adding more Signature Pages,  if you know anyone who you think would be a good fit for a signature page please send them to Howard Larson at:

*We will also be adding more video shows and radio shows to the site, if You are interesting in learning more about being becoming a radio host please contact:

Carly Alyssa Thorne at:

*Adding Social Media courses to help those who would like to learn more on how to use social media to get more clients, create more buzz, and drive more traffic to their sites.

Calendar of Events:

 Caffeinated Connections – Schaumburg the 1st Tuesday of the month except this month.

Caffeinated Connections – Palatine, the 4th Wed of each month.

 Brown Bag Schaumburg – the 3rd Wed of each month.

Linked Local Network Social Media

  The 2014 seminar series are all FREE to attend


 Feb 6 from 6-7:30 PM  CST     Google Optimization  PART 1

1.) Google Optimization for your Business. (2 parts)  2.) Google Proofing your Business – How to ensure your business is immune from changes in Google search algorithms. ( 2 parts)  3.) Networking: Offline & Online strategies(in conjunction with Greater Chicago Networking) We will be broadcasting these seminars online. Sponsored in part by Roosevelt University, Mediavine Marketing, Google 360, Microsoft, Schaumburg Bank & Trust, Papa Video Marketing, Delta Insurance Advisors.

To sign for the free seminar series and for sponsorship opportunities please Contact:  leave your  name, email, and phone number with the best time to contact you. Thank You.

  Click to Listen Live on Internet Radio    Watch Live on Internet TV

Feb 20th from 6 – 7 PM CST  Google Hangout  The Who – How – When – Where – Why – What of Social Media Intro  

To sign for the free seminar series and for sponsorship opportunities please Contact:  leave your  name, email, and phone number with the best time to contact you. Thank You.

Click to Listen Live on Internet Radio    Watch Live on Internet TV

If You want to attend You must sign up because to attend in person is limited. We will be recording it so if you can’t attend in person we will post the video and the audio up to the site. If you want to attend in person, please email Carly Alyssa Thorne at:cthorne@linkedlocalnetwork.comwith your name, email and phone number with the best time to contact you. Thank You.

Staff Changes and New Staff that has Joined the Linked Local Network Family:

*Staff changes - new VP Of Sales, and new VP of Marketing and Customer Service. Congratulations to Roni Pressler who has left LLN to tackle her new Executive Director position.  Best wishes to Melissa Heisler as she works to grow Its My Life Inc and develop her radio show, The Empowerment Show.

*Congratulations to Sue Klamert on her move to Seattle. We have already built for her to start developing.

*Congratulations to Miriam Slozberg for Stepping up and Joining our LLN Team as a Social Media Consultant and helping us develop Seattle and Vancouver.

*Best wishes to Sowmya M. as she continues to develop Linked Local technology Network infrastructure from her new location in Texas. Her work will bring more improvements in search engine optimization and social distribution of network

 Current Radio shows on hiatus: Perspectives On, Tech Talk, Bizz Buzz radio, Community

New Radio shows: Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne,


*New Staff: Howard Larson – VP of Sales, and Carly Alyssa Thorne – VP of Marketing and Customer Service, Miriam Slozberg -Social Media Consultant and Advisor

Howard Larson – VP of Sales

Howard will be developing training programs and handling all aspects of sales related to Linked Local Network. Howard has been involved in business and sales since he started his career in sales in the summer of 1973 selling typesetting services over summer for Larson Typographers, the family company. For more information on Howard Larson please visit his Business Signature page at Linked Local Network at: Larson & Associates

Carly Alyssa Thorne- VP of Marketing and Customer Service

Carly will be developing and implementing Marketing, Social Media, and Customer Service Programs. She will also be actively involved in the developing of the Social Media courses and training. She started her first business in 1985, and has been consulting ever since.  For More information

on Carly Alyssa Thorne please visit her Business Signature page at Linked Local  Network at: Conscious Business Coaching

Miriam Slozberg – Social Media Consultant and Advisor

Miriam will be assisting and helping develop our Social Media programs along with Carly Alyssa Thorne. Also developing Vancouver and Seattle Linked Local Network Communities. Miriam has been involved in SEO and Social Media Consulting for Years.  For More information on Miriam Slozberg please visit her Business Signature page at Linked Local  Network at: Empowering Entrepreneurs

We are truly excited about this New Year and how we can serve you and bring much added traffic and business to everyone.  If anyone has any ideas or inspiration please feel free to let us know.

Fred McMurray -Founder & CEO at Linked Local Network

Fred McMurray Fred McMurray

Link Locally, Connect Globally

Linked Local Network Newsletter Feb 2014


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