Furry Friends Adoption

Please share this far and wide…

I am a avid animal lover and Furry Friends Adoption & Clinic has an an amazing opportunity right now. An anonymous “angel donor” has offered to match donations “dollar-for-dollar” up to $385,000 ~ now thru Feb. 14 ~ Valentine’s Day, their four-legged friends are in huge need of financial help. Meanwhile, their amazing team members (doctors, technicians, staff), volunteers and their community are doing a terrific job of loving and caring for all the animals while we all work to bring Furry Friends back to sustainability. Please enjoy this video (produced courtesy of the great folks from Searcy-Denny).

Please share this with your fellow animal lovers.

Please go here to donate and help the match donations “dollar for dollar” “angel investor” going on now thru Feb. 14th Valentine’s Day:

Enjoy the Journey of Life as we are all interconnected…



Furry Friends Adoption


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