If you are Playing Candy Crush on Facebook, Please Keep it to Yourself

2014 01 29 0041 If you are Playing Candy Crush on Facebook, Please Keep it to Yourself

I admit it, I have been sucked into the Candy Crush Saga, as well as some other games on Facebook (or through the mobile app). However, I only play these games when I am unwinding and have no other priorities for the moment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And one thing that I would never do is share my score or level of game on my Facebook profile. If you are an entrepreneur, or a job seeker that is one piece of content to never share on your social media networks. I realize there are far worse things you can share on your networks.

However, I will explain why any professional must never share game statuses on their social media.

1. “Is that all you do in a day?”- That is right. If a big chunk of your content is filled with game scores and levels, then you will appear that you do not take your job seriously. How do you think a client looking to hire you for services will look at you? They will go to your competition that has valuable content on their profiles in a heartbeat. Or how do you think an employer would see you if you were applying or a job? That is a red flag right there that you may be slacking on the job.

2. Your Profile is Spammy- If most of your content is game related, it will appear as spammy and you will definitely lose connections that way because it will also clog up their feeds. They will become annoyed and leave. If you are wanting to come off as a professional, avoid that at all costs.

3. Your Connections will Think you are Not Interested in Them- If most of your content was filled with game related status updates, your connections will also believe that you do not have the time or day for them unless you were to play games online. What your connections want to see is useful, relevant and engaging content on your social media, as well as seeing you interactive with others. Having game related content take up most of your profile is going to be very alienating.

4. It Appears Cheap, Irrelevant and you Cannot Interact with it – It is one thing to once in a while add a picture of scenery, desserts, puppies, etc (or whatever may not be relevant to your niche) and receive a lot of interest because those images are engaging. It triggers interaction. Game status updates do not and just takes up space. Having these game related updates will cheapen your image and there is no value in it. In order to grow your tribe, you have to indicate that you have content that is valuable. Game status updates do not fit the bill.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with squaring away time to play a few rounds of Candy Crush or any other game on Facebook. However if you do decide to do that, keep it to yourself.

If you are Playing Candy Crush on Facebook, Please Keep it to Yourself


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