3/31/2019 - The Road to Recovery – Recovery from an ADDICTION is NO ACCIDENT

Recovery from an ADDICTION is NO ACCIDENT – it is a COMMITMENT TO WANTING A BETTER LIFE and becoming willing to do whatever it takes to get it and keep it – if you need or know someone who needs help / assistance or information about their disease of “CHOICE” – whether Alcoholism or Drug abuse, or any addictions for that matter – you may want to tune in and learn firsthand what we went through when we were caught up in our addictions – what happened to get us to stop and what our lives are like now that we have found a way to get and stay SOBER…

Our show has broadcast every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 pm for the past 7 years, and we have connected and helped many that we know of and hopefully even more that wwe havent heard from – by sharing our personal EXPERIENCE – STRENGTH – & HOPE

We welcome callers as this is a LIVE BROADCAST and our call-in number is 323-580-5755 or check out our website ( www.road2recovery.club ) or our face book page ROAD TO RECOVERY . We truly hiope to hear from you soon!

Join me every Live Sunday evening from 7 to 9 pm

Call 323-580-5755 with questions or comments

Interested in becoming a Community Voice or Radio show host?

3/31/2019 - The Road to Recovery – Recovery from an ADDICTION is NO ACCIDENT


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