
Showing posts from April, 2019


If you, or someone you know is looking for a new “Forever Best Friend”, please consider adopting a shelter animal instead of buying one in a store. You may be saving a loving creature from euthanasia. (The number of animals that will be euthanized this year is estimated to be about 1.5 million!) One way to search for your Forever Best Friend is to use The Shelter Pet Project website: When I entered my zip code to perform a local search for dogs, it came up with over 500 results!!  The purpose of The Shelter Pet Project is to attempt to make shelters the first place potential adopters turn when looking to get a new pet, ensuring that all healthy and treatable pets find loving homes. Being able to search through this many pictures makes the process easy to find and fall in love with your potential Forever Best Friend. Chipotle, the dog we rescued in 2014, and the inspiration for my upcoming Music Video Promotion to help raise funds and aw

The Pun Club

pun [pən] NOUN puns  (plural noun) a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings. “the pigs were a squeal (if you’ll forgive the pun)” synonyms: play on words  ·  wordplay  ·  double entendre  ·  double meaning  · [more] VERB puns  (third person present) make a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word. “his first puzzle punned on composers, with answers like “Handel with care” and “Haydn go seek”” ·  [more] I love puns and great one-liners! They are so cheesy and so ridiculous, but every time you say one to someone, you will at least get an “Oh brother” and a smile from the person you are saying it to. Over the years I have found that part of my daily life includes me throwing-out at least one or two funny lines. Growing-up, I had three people that influenced this goofy side of my personality: my father, my Uncle Bill, and a friend of the family we referred to as Uncle Jim. All

A New Era of growth for Neighborly franchisees and beyond - Pillars of Franchising

Topic: Molly Maid – A New Era of growth for franchisees of Neighborly and beyond.  Broadcast Date: April 25th, 2019 at 5:00p Est/4:00P Cen/3:00p Mtn/2:00p Pac Join co-hosts Ray Pillar, Owner of Molly Maid Aurora-Naperville, Fred McMurray of Westvyne and Holly A Ford of Zarian Firm International as they discuss a new Era of growth for franchisees of Neighborly , ongoing franchisee development,  financing, franchise accounting, purchasing, growing your franchise, improving your franchisee performance, brand positioning, expanding franchise concepts, franchisee marketing, legal issues, franchisor marketing and selling your franchise and with Mary Kay Liston, CFE, President of Molly Maid® and Mitch Cohen, CEO of  Performax Franchisee Advisors & a Jersey Mike’s Subs franchisee. Our Guests: Mary Kay Liston , CFE, President of Molly Maid® Mitch Cohen , CEO of  Performax Franchisee Advisors & a Jersey Mike’s Subs franchisee. Co-hosts, Holly A Ford womansplainer to Ray and Fred. Chat l

Hard Labor is Good for the Soul

Here in the Chicago area, we had a cold winter. Not a lot of snow, maybe an average amount, but the temperatures were significantly colder than average this year. This cold spell definitely had an effect on our yard. We also have a 7 year-old Border Collie named Lucy. We let her run on a dog run in our yard, because we do not have a fence. With most dogs, this is not a problem, but with Lucy, she likes to run A LOT and in the same places. She also wipes her paw when she is done, pushing down hard on the grass and taking a chunk out of the yard. Take both of these acts and the cold weather and our yard was not in good shape this Spring. Looking at our yard the past few weeks since the last snow melted has not been easy. With the lack of grass in many areas, it has required us to repair more than in past years. So recently, I went to the hardware store and bought 5 bags of different kind of grass seed (seed for sun and shade, seed for high traffic areas, seed for shady areas) along with

Bringing addiction out of the darkness of DENIAL into the light of ACCEPTANCE - we can ultimately find RECOVERY.

Recovery is NO ACCIDENT – it is however worth it…. If we bring it out of the darkness of DENIAL into the light of ACCEPTANCE – we can ultimately find RECOVERY. We don’t have a drug – alcohol – gambling – etc…. ADDICTION – WE DO HAVE HOWEVER – A THINKING PROBLEM – a sort of a Mental Disease that affects our thinking and once we put down the “DRUG OF CHOICE” it is then we can face our problem and work to make a Beeter Life for ourselves and those of us around us… We welcome you to join us every week as we discuss REAL LIFE ISSUES and how we handle them – WITHOUT REVERTING BACK to our old ways of Addictive behaviors. Our Call-in number is 323-580-5755 and we encourage you to call in with questions ./ comments / stories of your own. We grow by sharing these personal stories. If you need help during the week – call Daniel at 630-918-6129 / 800-427-5968 or email Bringing addiction out of the darkness of DENIAL into the light of ACCEPTANCE - we can ultimately find RECOVERY.

4-14-19 - Addiction Recovery is no easy thing - however it is worth it.

4-14-19 – Addiction Recovery is no easy thing – however it is worth it. 4-14-19 - Addiction Recovery is no easy thing - however it is worth it.

4-7-19 Recovery from an Addiction is not easy but it is worth it.

The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel M. Czuba. 4-7-19 Recovery from an Addiction is not easy but it is worth it. 4-7-19 Recovery from an Addiction is not easy but it is worth it.

3/31/2019 - The Road to Recovery – Recovery from an ADDICTION is NO ACCIDENT

Recovery from an ADDICTION is NO ACCIDENT – it is a COMMITMENT TO WANTING A BETTER LIFE and becoming willing to do whatever it takes to get it and keep it – if you need or know someone who needs help / assistance or information about their disease of “CHOICE” – whether Alcoholism or Drug abuse, or any addictions for that matter – you may want to tune in and learn firsthand what we went through when we were caught up in our addictions – what happened to get us to stop and what our lives are like now that we have found a way to get and stay SOBER… Our show has broadcast every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 pm for the past 7 years, and we have connected and helped many that we know of and hopefully even more that wwe havent heard from – by sharing our personal EXPERIENCE – STRENGTH – & HOPE We welcome callers as this is a LIVE BROADCAST and our call-in number is  323-580-5755  or check out our website ( ) or our face book page ROAD TO RECOVERY . We truly hiope to h

Go, Cubs, Go! Lessons in Business Leadership, from Baseball

 Do You Remember? Business leadership can be exhausting. So take a break, and indulge and reflect on glorious memories of   our National Pastime. It’s springtime in Chicagoland, and thoughts, at least on the north side, again turn toward the perpetual saga of the Chicago Cubs. After endless agonizing decades, three short years ago,   the Cubs managed the seemingly impossible, and rose again to the status of World Series champions. And now, each year, anxious fans wonder, “Are we going to have to wait for another 100 years?” In 2016, millions of lifelong fans, and new fans, and miscellaneous believers in miracles, agonized over every pitch, every catch, every breath, and every decision by the coaching staff. “They should pull the pitcher now!” “Why did they pull the pitcher?” “Why is he starting?” Several million armchair coaches screamed, and groaned, and shouted their managerial input to anyone remotely nearby. Countless babies and canines had their quiet slumbers shattered by anguish

Top Tips for a LinkedIn Profile that Can Build Your Business - Westvyne

LinkedIn can be a goldmine or a huge waste of time. My company has secured tens of thousands of dollars of business as well as referred business to others over the last couple of years due to LinkedIn connections and activities among our partners. We are mindful that, like any marketing channel, we must be consistent and engaged in order to continue to reap its benefits. Our individual profiles need to be well-done and strategic as well. Here are some of our top tips to make LinkedIn work for your business: Build up to at least 500 connections and have a decent photo. No one in our company will accept a connection request from someone who does not have a photo or has an unprofessional photo unless we know him/her, in which case we will tell that person to visit a photographer! Fill out your profile Summary . We see so many people neglect this valuable space, which is right underneath your name and photo when you’re on your profile page. Think of it as a public cover letter, where you

Finding and Selling to Your Perfect Customer

How do you go about finding and selling to your perfect customer? Do you know who you’re looking for? And if you know who, do you know how to get their attention and transform them from a prospect to a delighted customer or client? Identifying your perfect customer: Who is your perfect customer? If you have been in business for awhile and have made successful sales, think about the characteristics of your best customers. How old are they? Are they married or single? Do they have families? What are their hobbies, and what are their interests? What about your business has resonated with them? What pets do they have? What are their favorite restaurants? What music do they like? What do they hate? Do they support charities, and if so, which ones? Do they use the telephone, or email, or text? If you don’t know, make a guess.   If you don’t have a track record of customers yet, create a profile of who you think would be your perfect customer. Invent the person, with all of the details above.

5 year Bucket Challenge anniversary- Giving back to the community

Topic: 5 year Bucket Challenge Anniversary – Giving back to the community Broadcast Date: April 18th, 2019 at 5:00p Est/4:00P Cen/3:00p Mtn/2:00p Pac Join host Ray Pillar, Owner of Molly Maid Aurora-Naperville, co-host Fred McMurray of Westvyne and Holly A Ford of Zarian Firm International as they discuss the 5 year bucket challenge anniversary, ongoing franchisee development,  financing, franchise accounting, purchasing, growing your franchise, brand positioning, expanding franchise concepts, franchisee marketing, legal issues, franchisor marketing, cause based marketing, giving back to the community , expanding and selling your franchise with Jerry Akers – Owner at Sharpness, Inc DBA Great Clips and Josh Nuss – Executive Director of The ALS Association Iowa Chapter Our Guests: Jerry Akers , Owner at Sharpness, Inc DBA Great Clips Josh Nuss , Executive Director of The ALS Association Iowa Chapter Special co-host, Holly A Ford , womansplainer to Ray and Fred. Chat live  to new episode

Wisdom Senior Care - Sustainable solutions for our seniors! 

Topic: Wisdom Senior Care - Sustainable solutions for our seniors !  Broadcast Date: April 11th, 2019 at 5:00p Est/4:00P Cen/3:00p Mtn/2:00p Pac Join host Ray Pillar, Owner of Molly Maid Aurora-Naperville, and co-host Fred McMurray of Westvyne, discuss How Wisdom Senior Care create sustainable solutions for our seniors, ongoing franchisee development,  financing, franchise accounting, purchasing, growing your franchise, brand positioning, expanding franchise concepts, franchisee marketing, legal issues, franchisor marketing, , expanding and selling your franchise with Carolyn Thurston, CEO of Wisdom Senior Care. Our 2nd guest is Kelly Krieger, Funding and Financing for franchises. Be prepared for Ray"s Rules on the topic of how much capital is needed to get started with a franchise. Our Guests: Carolyn Thurston , CEO Wisdom Senior Care    Kelly Krueger , Funding and Financing for franchises.     Co-host, Holly A Ford , womansplains franchising  experiences to Ray and Fred. Chat li

Is Today’s American Family too Busy?

As a parent do you ever find yourself rushing to take your kids to their sports practice, or music lessons multiple times a week? Do find it hard to have your whole family home for dinner on weeknights? When my wife and I became foster parents to my six-year-old nephew we quickly realized that we needed to change our lifestyle by eliminating our social activities during the week to ensure our child was in bed by 9:00 each night so that he could get the rest he needed to be his best in school and at play. What a joy it was to be able to have dinner as a family each evening and even set aside one night a week for a family game night. It created a whole new dynamic for our family. That was thirty-one years ago and it caused me to notice that many parents and children today are involved in so many activities throughout the week that they never seem to have time to be together as a family. Recent studies have shown that the average family spends an average of 34 to 37 minutes together each

Why Second Chances are so important!

As a Linked Local Network Community Voice I look forward to sharing light and interesting information with you! My current project combines my expertise in business knowledge and songwriting ability to help raise awareness and money for Animal Rescue efforts.  I wrote, produced and recorded an original song inspired by the story of our rescue dog, Chipotle. I am currently producing the video version of the song which tells the story of Chipotle’s journey from being born in the White Mountain area of Northern Arizona, being loose for 2 years before being captured by a Kill shelter, then being chosen (lucky him) to be taken to a No-Kill shelter where he waited for 6 months for my wife Tami and I to adopt him the day after New Year’s Day in 2014. Chipotle would like me to add “I asked Greg to write the song to help others be as lucky as I was.  My Forever Home rocks and more dogs should get their Second Chance like I did.”  I have a soft spot in my heart for Chipotle so of course I had t

Why Second Chances are so important!

As a Linked Local Network Community Voice I look forward to sharing light and interesting information with you! My current project combines my expertise in business knowledge and songwriting ability to help raise awareness and money for Animal Rescue efforts.  I wrote, produced and recorded an original song inspired by the story of our rescue dog, Chipotle. I am currently producing the video version of the song which tells the story of Chipotle’s journey from being born in the White Mountain area of Northern Arizona, being loose for 2 years before being captured by a Kill shelter, then being chosen (lucky him) to be taken to a No-Kill shelter where he waited for 6 months for my wife Tami and I to adopt him the day after New Year’s Day in 2014. Chipotle would like me to add “I asked Greg to write the song to help others be as lucky as I was.  My Forever Home rocks and more dogs should get their Second Chance like I did.”  I have a soft spot in my heart for Chipotle so of course I had t