
Showing posts from 2016

Overcoming Depression is Doable

People have a general idea of what depression means. There are many who even see this as part of their everyday lives. Depression is a mental disorder that affects someone’s total conduct. This is manifested through his or her actions and the changes in the way he or she is on a daily basis. This is a medical condition and is therefore beyond a persons control. The fact of the matter is that depression affects the mood, the mind and the body. Once afflicted, a person will have a tough time fighting the illness. This condition is not something that must be taken lightly. When the signs at an early stage are identified, that will be best because it is easier to manage. Severe depression needs professional treatment. It must not be taken for granted because it never heals on its own. Studies have revealed that some depressed people commit suicide when the condition is not treated. Depression does not choose its time and place. It strikes a person any time and at any place. It causes isola

Dos and Don’ts of Refreshing or Reinventing a Brand?

When you’ve been in business for more than 10 or 20 or 30 years, you need to reassess your marketing and/or your brand. Our company went through this process this past year and did a total redesign – logo, copy, website etc. Our business had totally changed but our branding didn’t reflect those changes. While we had always been two photographers shooting both independently and as a team, our branding was never clear that there were two of us. Many thought  Kelly   Mooney  was one person. We hired a graphic designer to come up with a logo that not only reflected the partnership but also reflected that fact that our business was more than just still photography. We were no longer two photographers shooting still imagery, but a  small production company  offering integrated still and  motion  solutions for buyers with multi media needs. Do start by asking yourself the following questions: Has your business changed? How? Does your logo/branding reflect those changes? Does your logo and bra

Is Focusing on Your Own Needs and Wants Selfish?

Putting the needs and wants of others before your’s is what is acceptable to society. If you end up putting your own needs and wants before anyone else’s, then you are considered to be selfish. I am sorry, however that belief is what is unacceptable. Am I saying to ignore everyone else’s needs and wants? Not at all. However, think about this. If you give, give and give to everyone else and keep putting your needs and wants last- the reservoir, being you will run out. When that happens, you will start feeling resentful and will end up shutting down. How can you possibly be good for anyone else? Women particularly fall victim to that, especially if they are married and/or have children. Many give of themselves and don’t get much in return. It is one thing to put the needs of the kids’ before the mother’s. However, the mother becomes so used to giving that she will end up putting everyone else’s needs before her’s. That always leads to anger, resentment, depression , burnout and just not

Four Ways to Create a High Quality Instagram Account

Instagram is an image sharing app that you can access from your mobile device or iPad, and this network is growing on a daily basis. Many people are visual by nature, and this is one reason the platform is extremely successful. In fact, I have connected with some great people from Instagram alone, and this platform has helped businesses gain more customers and clients. However, like any tool out there- if not used properly, it won’t help. There are four ways that anyone who wants to create a high quality Instagram profile must use all the time. 1. Be Creative with your Posts . Don’t post the same pictures over and over again. Definitely don’t keep posting images of your meals all the time. Posting your steak dinner or chocolate cake dessert once in a while is fine, however mix it up. Post pic quotes, and you can even create your own quotes and watermark it with your Instagram username. An easy way to create something fun is to go to a royalty free image site such as

5 Ways to Leap Forward and Get Unstuck

It’s February 29th and that means we all get an extra day this year. Let’s celebrate leap year by taking action to leap forward – not just today, but every day this year and every year. Finish something you started. This could be anything from an online course, a book you put down, a personal project etc. I always tell myself that a start is a start to nowhere if you don’t finish it. Identify one thing that you’ve talked yourself out of (for all the right reasons) and take action on it. This could lead to the start of something. After you’ve faced your fear or resistance and have overcome your inertia – follow up with a plan for completion. Toss out one bad habit . It’s easy to fall into a rut with bad habits. Identify one bad habit and change it. Start easy. If you find yourself starting your day in an unproductive manner change it. If you begin your day by checking your emails and then letting it consume your entire morning then start your day by tackling something that you keep p

5 Ways to Leap Forward and Get Unstuck

It’s February 29th and that means we all get an extra day this year. Let’s celebrate leap year by taking action to leap forward – not just today, but every day this year and every year. Finish something you started. This could be anything from an online course, a book you put down, a personal project etc. I always tell myself that a start is a start to nowhere if you don’t finish it. Identify one thing that you’ve talked yourself out of (for all the right reasons) and take action on it. This could lead to the start of something. After you’ve faced your fear or resistance and have overcome your inertia – follow up with a plan for completion. Toss out one bad habit . It’s easy to fall into a rut with bad habits. Identify one bad habit and change it. Start easy. If you find yourself starting your day in an unproductive manner change it. If you begin your day by checking your emails and then letting it consume your entire morning then start your day by tackling something that you keep put

Why Playing it Safe is Bad for Business

My grandmother on a motorcycle. circa 1920’s or ’30’s. Have you ever talked yourself out of doing something that you felt passionate about? Have you ever bought into others’ advice, even though it was contrary to your own beliefs? If you answered yes to either question then you are like most of us humans, and you second-guess yourself by buying into your fears. Now ask yourself – Did anything good ever come out of NOT doing something? Other than stopping yourself from following foolish pursuits that may have put you in harms way, stopping yourself probably never led to a positive outcome. In my experience whenever I stopped myself from following my own instincts, it not only didn’t move me forward – it set me back. So, why do we let resistance keep us from what we are meant to do? It’s fear of the unknown. And why do we let others’ resistance and fears stop us from taking a leap of faith? Can other people predict the outcome anymore than we can? Just because something didn’t work for

Five Ways to Combat Social Media Depression

I have spoken about social media or Facebook depression in the past. In a nutshell, social media depression is when someone is feeling worthless or hopeless by following connections who appear to have a better life. That person makes the comparison between his or her life and their’s and that has a negative affect on his or her emotions. The keyword here is that they appear to have a better life. The reality is that everyone has challenges to deal with, even those connections who make it appear that their lives are so perfect. It is human nature to have a need to share something wonderful or exciting, and that is all they are doing. I can guarantee that everyone has done it as well in the past- regardless of what challenges they may be facing in life. I can understand how this can have a profound affect on people’s lives, however there are steps that can be taken to minimize social media depression. Now let’s talk about you, how does this affect you? Let’s talk about the 5 ways to com

Five Ways to Combat Social Media Depression

I have spoken about social media or Facebook depression in the past. In a nutshell, social media depression is when someone is feeling worthless or hopeless by following connections who appear to have a better life. That person makes the comparison between his or her life and their’s and that has a negative affect on his or her emotions. The keyword here is that they appear to have a better life. The reality is that everyone has challenges to deal with, even those connections who make it appear that their lives are so perfect. It is human nature to have a need to share something wonderful or exciting, and that is all they are doing. I can guarantee that everyone has done it as well in the past- regardless of what challenges they may be facing in life. I can understand how this can have a profound affect on people’s lives, however there are steps that can be taken to minimize social media depression. Now let’s talk about you, how does this affect you? Let’s talk about the 5 ways to com

You Can’t Delegate Awesome.

You can’t delegate the things that mean the most to you. Your success is dependent upon mastering the details. Not just getting the project finished. You can’t outsource awesome. At least not at a price you’re willing to pay. The truth about beating the odds and realizing breakthrough is that you have to agonize over the solution and work tirelessly trying new things until the big thing ends up looking like what you had in your mind all along. That’s not easy. That’s not cheap. That’s not something you can hand off to anyone on your team, family, or circle of friends. You have to do it yourself. Otherwise you’re not going to win the way you feel you should. You’re never going to feel the satisfaction of accomplishment and triumph and domination until you schedule time to get your hands dirty looking for that ever so slight tweak that differentiates you mightily from everyone else pretending to do the exact same thing. Don’t forget that as you lead your team in stand up meetings and sta

How To Guarantee You Make The Best Decision.

Trust your gut instinct when it comes to making difficult decisions. You already know the right decision to make. Deep down, in that quiet spot in your soul where all is true and clear, you have the answer. And you need to trust your gut instinct. That immediate feeling you have when you’re with that person or hearing that idea. Logic will mislead you. Facts aren’t always what they appear to be. In truth, fear and doubt and frustration will bias your decisions. Deceiving you. You think your decision is well thought out, balanced, and risk appreciated. You are really just frantic, frustrated, and hoping no one notices. The way through that chaos is to listen to your instincts. Don’t be pressured by fear or anger. Don’t let someone else’s logic and reasoning persuade you to sell yourself short. Believe that no matter how hard things might seem at the moment, you’ll figure it out. And that this time will be better than last time because of all the lessons you’ve learned and experience you

Be All In. All The Time.

Go hard. Push hard. If you have an idea that matters to you — an idea that mean something deeply to you — then go for it. Push for it. Don’t “float a trial balloon” . Don’t “run a beta test” . Don’t limp into action.   Go hard. Push hard. Put everything you have into being successful. You won’t always end up with the results that you think you deserve right away. You won’t end up winning the prize on your first try.  But at least you’ll have given your bold idea the dignity of honest effort. You won’t be left wondering whether you could have been more successful if you would have only invested more ambition and creativity into getting to where you want to be. You won’t be confused as to what doesn’t work — you or your strategy. There’s something magical about the unique achievement made possible by the desperation of a competitor who lays it all on the line. That warrior who holds nothing back. The gladiator in the arena doesn’t get the chance to play it safe. He must  step upon the

Kenya Leads Globally On Ending FGM, But Challenges Persist

Mary Wandia, FGM Program Manager, Equality Now – WNN Soapbox (WNN) Nairobi, Kenya, EAST AFRICA – Kenya is about to mark … Continue reading → Kenya Leads Globally On Ending FGM, But Challenges Persist

Zika Virus Raises Need for Increased Access to Reproductive Healthcare

As the Zika virus spreads, at least five countries have advised women to delay pregnancy, advice that many women’s rights advocates have criticized as unrealistic and offensive given restrictive abortion laws and the inaccessibility of birth control in many of the affected areas. Related posts: Tennessee Woman Faces Jail For Coat Hanger Abortion Unprecedented Number of Groups & Experts Call on SCOTUS to Overturn Texas TRAP Law Last Full-Time Abortion Clinic in Kentucky Vandalized Twice in Three Weeks Zika Virus Raises Need for Increased Access to Reproductive Healthcare

7 Things I Learned About the Business of Photography

It’s a Business – You may catch some lucky breaks in your career or you may be an incredibly gifted photographer – but if you want to make a living taking pictures and sustain yourself financially, you will need to manage your art and your career as a business. That means find a way to make a profit in pursuing your craft. It’s Not Personal – Keep emotions out of your business decisions. This is a tough thing to manage because it’s usually at odds with the passion that energizes the creative side of you. I think my best work is very personal but I try to avoid the pitfalls of letting my emotions cloud my business decisions that are in my best interests. That could mean walking away from a job or a bad contract. You’re Selling Value – If want to make money and stay in business, you need to understand your value or your photography’s value in the marketplace. Are you unique, have special skills or access to places other don’t, have one of a kind images, or are you simply a really g

7 Things I Learned About the Business of Photography

It’s a Business – You may catch some lucky breaks in your career or you may be an incredibly gifted photographer – but if you want to make a living taking pictures and sustain yourself financially, you will need to manage your art and your career as a business. That means find a way to make a profit in pursuing your craft. It’s Not Personal – Keep emotions out of your business decisions. This is a tough thing to manage because it’s usually at odds with the passion that energizes the creative side of you. I think my best work is very personal but I try to avoid the pitfalls of letting my emotions cloud my business decisions that are in my best interests. That could mean walking away from a job or a bad contract. You’re Selling Value – If want to make money and stay in business, you need to understand your value or your photography’s value in the marketplace. Are you unique, have special skills or access to places other don’t, have one of a kind images, or are you simply a really goo

Klout is Dead

You are probably wondering why I am saying that Klout is dead considering their site is still up, and there are still scores. The fact of the matter is, due to that they unsuccessfully had been able to award an accurate score to someone truly influential online as well as offline- Klout is meaningless. I understand that those who still support Klout only do so for the sake of accountability reasons. Sure, if you want to keep a strong social media presence going, you do need to make sure you are sharing good quality content as well as engaging with those in your networks on a consistent basis. In all honesty, you don’t need Klout for that. There are other ways you can make sure you are sharing good content on a regular basis and engaging with those who engage with you. You can set a schedule to share posts, and schedule a time to engage with your networks. If you are consistent, you will keep a strong social media presence. The fact that Klout had purposely manipulated scores, and that

Klout is Dead

You are probably wondering why I am saying that Klout is dead considering their site is still up, and there are still scores. The fact of the matter is, due to that they unsuccessfully had been able to award an accurate score to someone truly influential online as well as offline- Klout is meaningless. I understand that those who still support Klout only do so for the sake of accountability reasons. Sure, if you want to keep a strong social media presence going, you do need to make sure you are sharing good quality content as well as engaging with those in your networks on a consistent basis. In all honesty, you don’t need Klout for that. There are other ways you can make sure you are sharing good content on a regular basis and engaging with those who engage with you. You can set a schedule to share posts, and schedule a time to engage with your networks. If you are consistent, you will keep a strong social media presence. The fact that Klout had purposely manipulated scores, and that

The Value of the Experienced (Old) Photographer

I don’t think of my self as old, except at times when a part of my body doesn’t act or react the way it used to. But, I would say that many of my colleagues would call me old, chronologically speaking. The premature deaths of Glenn Frey, David Bowie, Natalie Cole and Alan Rickman – all in the span of a few weeks and all in their late ‘60’s, has given me pause to look at my own mortality. It has also given me resolve to make the most of each day. The fact is there is nothing we can do about our age. Gail Mooney with James Michener, Chesapeake Bay Photo © Thomas Kelly Unlike other things in life that we can change, we can’t change our age. But we don’t need to allow a youth-obsessed culture, define our value. I’ve grown weary of the dismissive attitude our culture has about aging. It’s especially frustrating for me as a photographer, filmmaker, and creative entrepreneur . Creativity comes from the spirit within. Our spirit never ages, so neither does our desire and need to create. I’ve

The Value of the Experienced (Old) Photographer

I don’t think of my self as old, except at times when a part of my body doesn’t act or react the way it used to. But, I would say that many of my colleagues would call me old, chronologically speaking. The premature deaths of Glenn Frey, David Bowie, Natalie Cole and Alan Rickman – all in the span of a few weeks and all in their late ‘60’s, has given me pause to look at my own mortality. It has also given me resolve to make the most of each day. The fact is there is nothing we can do about our age. Gail Mooney with James Michener, Chesapeake Bay Photo © Thomas Kelly Unlike other things in life that we can change, we can’t change our age. But we don’t need to allow a youth-obsessed culture, define our value. I’ve grown weary of the dismissive attitude our culture has about aging. It’s especially frustrating for me as a photographer, filmmaker, and creative entrepreneur . Creativity comes from the spirit within. Our spirit never ages, so neither does our desire and need to create. I’ve n

The Secret To Being Exceptionally Productive.

Being productive isn’t necessarily about doing more work in the day. If you’re not doing the hard work that success demands, you’re fooling yourself if you think you’re ever going to be successful. You’ve got to do the hard things if you want to enjoy the great things. It’s as simple as that. If you’re not working hard, you’re not working smart. But what if you’re already working as hard as you think you can? How do you do more if there isn’t any more time to work? Being exceptionally productive has a lot to do with your priorities. In fact, that’s the secret to getting more done each day. Managing your priorities. First, you have to know what those priorities are. You have to know what matters the most to you. Where you want to be in the long term and what you’re doing right now to get there. Once you know that, you have to work hard to maintain that focus. It’s called momentum. That’s the secret to productivity. Managing your priorities to make sure you maintain momentum. That means

Question Everything.

One of the overwhelmingly apparent habits of high achievers is their insatiable curiosity. They question everything. They don’t just want an answer. They want the explanation behind the answer. They want the research behind the explanation behind the answer. They aren’t satisfied to believe what other people tell them. They own their facts. They know what they believe. And why they believe it. It’s important. And often overlooked. In the busyness of your daily schedule, it is easy to just accept the answers that someone else gives you. It’s easy to mimic the formulas that seem to be making someone else successful. The danger there is that you never truly understand what works for you. You never figure out the secret power you bring to the battle that no one else can exactly replicate. You’re too busy copying someone else’s battle plan that is built around their secret power. You’re trying to be like them and will likely fail. Because you don’t have all the pieces. Your skills are diff

Five Ways You Can Keep a Genuine and Professional Social Media Presence

Many business owners are concerned about keeping their social media presence so professional that they end up turning out to appear non-personal or fake. Some unintentionally brag often about their success because they are proud. It is one thing to stay positive and inspiring on social media as people are attracted to that. However, like anything else in life, do so in moderation. There is a point when this practice becomes insincere and others begin to notice. Once that happens, your tribe that you worked hard to build will start to fall away. You will be seen as an insincere braggart which is just as bad as being a negative Nancy. I don’t encourage anyone to start being negative on social media either. What I encourage is for users to be genuine. Be personal. Be real, and here are four ways to do that. 1. Mention your Previous Failures Once in a While . The fact of the matter is, there is a lot of social media envy around. If all you ever do is brag about your successes, people who a

Five Ways You Can Keep a Genuine and Professional Social Media Presence

Many business owners are concerned about keeping their social media presence so professional that they end up turning out to appear non-personal or fake. Some unintentionally brag often about their success because they are proud. It is one thing to stay positive and inspiring on social media as people are attracted to that. However, like anything else in life, do so in moderation. There is a point when this practice becomes insincere and others begin to notice. Once that happens, your tribe that you worked hard to build will start to fall away. You will be seen as an insincere braggart which is just as bad as being a negative Nancy. I don’t encourage anyone to start being negative on social media either. What I encourage is for users to be genuine. Be personal. Be real, and here are four ways to do that. 1. Mention your Previous Failures Once in a While . The fact of the matter is, there is a lot of social media envy around. If all you ever do is brag about your successes, people who a