Breaking Barriers – Like a Woman

I’ve been a photographer for the better part of my life. It’s who I am. I’ve been a filmmaker for a big part of it and love exploring this storytelling medium. I’ve also been a woman living in a man’s world. Photography and filmmaking are professions that are dominated by men. The still photography business has changed Changedramatically in many ways since I started out – it has become less technical and more women have entered the industry. Nevertheless, I’ve spent a lifetime working in a profession where, as a woman, I was the minority. I never really focused on being a minority. I didn’t have a corporate job and had to compete against men for equal pay and opportunities. I was an independent creative entrepreneur. My latest assignment photos were my calling card that got me in the next door. I worked hard, harder than most because I wanted to – I had a strong desire to do something good. There were times (probably more than I know) when I didn’t get the job because I was a woman and there were times, when I was paid less money because of my gender.

Things have gotten better for women in photography as well as in other industries but it took the tenacity and commitment of countless women and barriers had to be broken. There have been great gains for women but gender biases still exist and we can’t be lulled into complacency by saying, “well, it’s better than it was.” The movie industry is dismal in terms of gender equality, women are paid less and make up a small percentage of the industry, especially in certain sectors like directing and sound design for instance. Other industries like engineering, architecture, computer programming, aviation, firefighting are all gender lopsided and less than 5% of Fortune 5oo companies are led by women. And that’s the key word “led”. We need more women leaders. It’s not just about equality and justice but women’s leadership potential has been massively untapped. And that’s a fail for us all – economically and socially.

So, I’ve decided to do something about it. I am initiating a project called Breaking Barriers – Like a Woman. My plan is to use my craft (photography/ filmmaking) as I always have, to make a difference. My intention is to create still environmental portraits and short video stories of women who are working in male dominated professions – pilots, computer programmers, engineers, doctors, construction workers, mechanics etc. etc. I want to tell their stories about the barriers they had to break. I want to share these stories with the hope it goes viral and starts a revolution that will empower other women and young girls. I have built a FB page and opened Twitter and Instagram accounts so please “follow” and “like”.   But, more importantly, please share with me and with others your own stories about barriers you’ve broken.

CALL TO ACTION Are you a women working in a profession that is male dominated? Or know someone who is? I am looking for subjects to photograph and film. Please contact me:

Filed under: Business, Inspirational, Personal Stories, Photography, Story telling, Video, Women Tagged: breaking barriers, equal rights, Gender equality, gender inequality,, women, women in film industry, women in photography

Read more at: Journeys of a Hybrid

Breaking Barriers – Like a Woman


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