
Showing posts from August, 2015

Top Ten Reasons Everyone Should Travel

I’ve been a bit of a rolling stone my entire life – moving 10 times before graduating high school and making a living as a professional photographer, which has taken me to almost 100 countries. I think if I had to give up traveling, I would wither and my spirit would die. Here’s my top 10 reasons every American (and other citizens of the world) should travel: It gives you a much better perspective on our world than experiencing it virally. Gail Mooney as a student at Brooks Institute © Chad Weckler Let’s face it, when you are an armchair traveler, you are getting someone else’s perspective. It makes you grateful for what you have. Many, if not most Americans are very privileged but you don’t really have an understanding of that when you contain yourself to your own environment. You get to be a true diplomat for your country. When I’m traveling, I try to give people from other countries and cultures, a more realistic idea what an American is – beyond our government’s policies and how

Breaking Barriers – Like a Woman

I’ve been a photographer for the better part of my life. It’s who I am. I’ve been a filmmaker for a big part of it and love exploring this storytelling medium. I’ve also been a woman living in a man’s world. Photography and filmmaking are professions that are dominated by men. The still photography business has changed dramatically in many ways since I started out – it has become less technical and more women have entered the industry. Nevertheless, I’ve spent a lifetime working in a profession where, as a woman, I was the minority. I never really focused on being a minority. I didn’t have a corporate job and had to compete against men for equal pay and opportunities. I was an independent creative entrepreneur. My latest assignment photos were my calling card that got me in the next door. I worked hard, harder than most because I wanted to – I had a strong desire to do something good. There were times (probably more than I know) when I didn’t get the job because I was a woman and the

Test Post from Womens Linked Local Network

Test Post from Womens Linked Local Network

Test Post from Chicago Linked Local Network

Test Post from Chicago Linked Local Network

Test Post from Linked Local Network

Test Post from Linked Local Network