A Year in Review and What’s New 2014

an edit profile picIn the eleventh hour of the 2014 New Years postings of resolutions and wrap-ups, after holiday travel and time with family, I’m finally getting mine done. As we all reflect on best business practices, what we’ve accomplished, and how to grow– I feel both blessed and excited about the year past and the one to come.

This months marks two years of my show Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON with the Linked Local Network that airs LIVE every Wed. at 10am on blogtalkradio and I can’t believe it’s gone that fast or how fortunate I’ve been to have conversations each week with over 100 guests thus far. As I did in a wrap-up of 2012 last New Year, a compilation of links for 2013 is here. I want to thank each one of my guests for their graciousness in sharing their time, expertise, and passion with our audience. Heartfelt appreciation also goes to loyal listeners, faithful friends and family, and many supportive people, especially co-host/producer Heidi Feemster.heidi-feemster-150x150

As we head into another year, if anyone is interested or knows of someone who would like to be a guest, please pass along my contact info or give me a shout at tamara@tamaraleighllc.com. As I move myself from a “selfie start-up”, one the changes to come for 2014 will be a regular scheduling of blog posts around each guest topics.

Look for Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON blog posts every Thursday.

A few posts slipped through the cracks in 2012, but you can find the ones I did do on TamaraLeighllc.com as well as my LinkedLocalNetwork.com Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON page. And while I’ve done a few videos/youtube in the past, I look forward to incorporating more of those in 2014 as well. The Linked Local Network continues to expand and build on the “Link Local, Connect Global” mission. 2014 is sure to see more success and exciting things happening with LLN.

One of my personal favorites of 2013 was fashion writing, mostly for Third Coast Daily and the Trend On fashion part of my shows, so for 2014, I’m also adding “Fashion Fridays” to my posts to connect style, strategic communication, trends, tips, and image inspiration.

Look for Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON fashion blog posts every Friday.

And maybe, just thinking out loud that Mondays could be for social media and mobile info updates.

And as one of my guests, Kim Bookless, shared a few months ago, getting books published has never been easier, so I’ve committed to 2014 the year to finally write one. Somehow saying it out loud means I must now make it happen. With January 2014 halfway over, I best get busy!

Wishing you all good things in 2014!

A Year in Review and What’s New 2014


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