
Showing posts from January, 2014

Kopila Valley Primary School

Some of our fondest memories from our journey were from our visit with Maggie Doyne and her children in Surkhet, Nepal.  All the kids were such a joy to be around.  This young boy at the Kopila Valley Primary School glowed with enthusiasm. Kopila Valley Primary School

12 Stages of Romantic Relationship

Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne Today on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne, Carly discusses the “12 Stages of Romantic Relationship” with Guest Gregory Morgan Gregory Morgan Click below to Listen to the Podcast: Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio       For More on Gregory Morgan: Greg Fanpage –!/pages/Gregory-Morgan/71578189903 Gregory FB :http://!/gregory.morgan1 SelfGrowth :http:// Embrace Growth Linkedin :http:// Home Page:  :http:// Interviewer,Producer: Carly Alyssa Thorne Website: Facebook:https:// Twitter:https:// To watch our Other Video Sho

12 Stages of Romantic Relationship

Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne Today on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne, Carly discusses the “12 Stages of Romantic Relationship” with Guest Gregory Morgan Gregory Morgan Click below to Listen to the Podcast: Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio       For More on Gregory Morgan: Greg Fanpage –!/pages/Gregory-Morgan/71578189903 Gregory FB :http://!/gregory.morgan1 SelfGrowth :http:// Embrace Growth Linkedin :http:// Home Page:  :http:// Interviewer,Producer: Carly Alyssa Thorne Website: Facebook:https:// Twitter:https:// To watch our Other Video Sho

12 Stages of Romantic Relationship

Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne Today on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne, Carly discusses the “12 Stages of Romantic Relationship” with Guest Gregory Morgan Gregory Morgan Click below to Listen to the Podcast: Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio       For More on Gregory Morgan: Greg Fanpage –!/pages/Gregory-Morgan/71578189903 Gregory FB :http://!/gregory.morgan1 SelfGrowth :http:// Embrace Growth Linkedin :http:// Home Page:  :http:// Interviewer,Producer: Carly Alyssa Thorne Website: Facebook:https:// Twitter:https:// To watch our Other Video Sho

12 Stages of Romantic Relationship

Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne Today on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne, Carly discusses the “12 Stages of Romantic Relationship” with Guest Gregory Morgan Gregory Morgan Click below to Listen to the Podcast: More Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio       For More on Gregory Morgan: Greg Fanpage –!/pages/Gregory-Morgan/71578189903 Gregory FB :http://!/gregory.morgan1 SelfGrowth :http:// Embrace Growth Linkedin :http:// Home Page:  :http:// Interviewer,Producer: Carly Alyssa Thorne Website: Facebook:https:// Twitter:https:// To watch our Other Video Shows Yo

12 Stages of Romantic Relationship

Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne Today on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne, Carly discusses the “12 Stages of Romantic Relationship” with Guest Gregory Morgan Gregory Morgan Click below to Listen to the Podcast: Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio       For More on Gregory Morgan: Greg Fanpage –!/pages/Gregory-Morgan/71578189903 Gregory FB :http://!/gregory.morgan1 SelfGrowth :http:// Embrace Growth Linkedin :http:// Home Page:  :http:// Interviewer,Producer: Carly Alyssa Thorne Website: Facebook:https:// Twitter:https:// To watch our Other Video Sho

Delightful evening with Melanie Benjamin author of The Aviator’s Wife

On a bitter cold Friday night more than 100 fans attended a presentation and book signing sponsored by the Lake Forest Book Store. We all came out to the Vernon Area Public Library in Lincolnshire, IL to meet author Melanie Benjamin. Her current book is historical fiction about Anne Morrow Lindbergh titled “ The Aviator’s Wife .” My friend Susan and I (with my service puppy in training “West” see his tab if you are not already familiar with him) took seats about six rows back and took off some of the layers of our winter clothes. I was quite happy to have West, my personal foot warmer laying in front of me. This event was held after the regular hours of the library and at the beginning of the presentation the room was not quite warm enough for me. A library employee gave a brief but enthusiastic introduction and Melanie Benjamin stepped to the podium. Melanie is attractive and animated with strawberry blond hair and a near constant smile. I hesitate to describe her as cute although she

President Obama’s Tie Color Didn’t Agree with Message

As President Obama was announced for his State of the Union message last night and I saw the blue tie, I remarked that he will probably be proposing conciliatory actions. Instead it was much more a “I will do this” and “I will take steps without legislation … “ As Sun-Times Columnist Lynn Sweet wrote: “Obama and his team have been using a ‘pen and phone’ slogan, shorthand for the stepped-up use of executive orders and administrative actions.” President Bush set the trend for blue ties, wearing them with a dark suit for five of his State of the Union addresses. When he left office, fashion experts predicted that fashion trend would come to an end. It did not. President Obama has worn blue several times (one time experts thought it was a light purple lilac?). Sky blue sends a message of serenity, peace, and desire to engender trust. Red, which President Obama wore at the 2012 Sate of the Union address, connotes a dynamic, powerful feeling that politicians often embrace. It’s interesting

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

Is he being an Aspie or being an ASS?

A question that comes up repeatedly from parents and spouses of spectrumites is “Is it the Asperger’s or is he just being difficult?” Some say (and I can relate) “Sometimes he can be a real ass.” There have been plenty of times when I’ve been an ASS and needed to be called on it and take responsibility for it. Bottom line, it isn’t a question of Asperger’s versus typical, it is a question of to what degree the child, teen or adult on the spectrum is able to consciously choose   their behavior. By consciously choosing I’m referring to whether the person is aware of what options exist for how to respond in a given situation. When I work with my sons and clients I emphasize personal responsibility and self awareness among other things. Through observation I make note of what aggravates and calms them and then I point it out in a way that they’re likely to hear it. I might say, “I notice you seem more relaxed when you rock like that. Is that correct?” This question encourages them to ref

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

Is he being an Aspie or being an ASS?

A question that comes up repeatedly from parents and spouses of spectrumites is “Is it the Asperger’s or is he just being difficult?” Some say (and I can relate) “Sometimes he can be a real ass.” There have been plenty of times when I’ve been an ASS and needed to be called on it and take responsibility for it. Bottom line, it isn’t a question of Asperger’s versus typical, it is a question of to what degree the child, teen or adult on the spectrum is able to consciously choose   their behavior. By consciously choosing I’m referring to whether the person is aware of what options exist for how to respond in a given situation. When I work with my sons and clients I emphasize personal responsibility and self awareness among other things. Through observation I make note of what aggravates and calms them and then I point it out in a way that they’re likely to hear it. I might say, “I notice you seem more relaxed when you rock like that. Is that correct?” This question encourages them to ref

A New Hot Resource to Help Encourage Social Media Interaction

I have been doing a lot of blogging on the importance of social media engagement and interaction, as well as why it is important to pay attention to your Klout score . However, I have come across many people who are unsure of where to find networkers that will help them stand out in their social media presence. There are plenty of resources out there where you can grow your tribe and network such as Empire Avenue as well as Triberr . There are also many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that are used specifically to encourage networking and keeping up a strong social media presence. I am happy to announce there is a new group which is becoming popular just after a day of being created. You are given the opportunity to get natural interaction on your Facebook profiles or pages, as well as getting good quality retweets. If you are interested in joining please contact me through this site. However, before you ask to join, I must go over the rules with you that are listed below- Facebook pa

Is he being an Aspie or being an ASS?

A question that comes up repeatedly from parents and spouses of spectrumites is “Is it the Asperger’s or is he just being difficult?” Some say (and I can relate) “Sometimes he can be a real ass.” There have been plenty of times when I’ve been an ASS and needed to be called on it and take responsibility for it. Bottom line, it isn’t a question of Asperger’s versus typical, it is a question of to what degree the child, teen or adult on the spectrum is able to consciously choose   their behavior. By consciously choosing I’m referring to whether the person is aware of what options exist for how to respond in a given situation. When I work with my sons and clients I emphasize personal responsibility and self awareness among other things. Through observation I make note of what aggravates and calms them and then I point it out in a way that they’re likely to hear it. I might say, “I notice you seem more relaxed when you rock like that. Is that correct?” This question encourages them to ref

The Five Triangle Puzzle: Composing and Decomposing

Beginning in first grade and continuing through the grades, the Common Core Math Standards emphasize composing and decomposing shapes. One way to give students experience with composing shapes is through put-together puzzles. Actually, working at put-together puzzles involves lots of composing and decomposing. Sometimes what we compose is a solution; sometimes it’s not. While the tangram puzzle is an obvious, well known example of such a puzzle, there are others that students will find interesting. One of my favorites is a puzzle made up of five triangles. In this post I want to tell you about this puzzle; I will give you a master so you can make a Five Triangle Puzzle  for yourself. I’m then going to leave it for you to solve the puzzle, and finally, I’m going to come back to it in a later post to talk about the solutions. I’m hoping in the mean time to hear from you about how you thought about the puzzle and to hear about your solutions and anything you might have learned by workin

What Happened to Professionalism – or Manners?

What does it mean to be a professional?  Regardless of the business you’re in, a professional is someone who treats their clients and their vendors with respect.  That means that everyone should be mindful of his or her manners.   Yes, manners! That may sound old fashioned but being courteous to people never goes out of style. Some things that define a “professional”: Professionals know how to get the job done, on time and on schedule. Professionals don’t learn on the job. A professional should respect everyone on his or her team – EVERYONE plays a part that makes the whole stronger, even the “guy” who gets coffee. A professional has good manners – that usually means treating people how they wish to be treated. A professional understands that situations change.  That means that the assistant you are dealing with at a magazine or ad agency may just be in a position to hire YOU some day.  Don’t burn your bridges. A professional has an understanding of their clients’ position.  Understan

The Five Triangle Puzzle: Composing and Decomposing

Beginning in first grade and continuing through the grades, the Common Core Math Standards emphasize composing and decomposing shapes. One way to give students experience with composing shapes is through put-together puzzles. Actually, working at put-together puzzles involves lots of composing and decomposing. Sometimes what we compose is a solution; sometimes it’s not. While the tangram puzzle is an obvious, well known example of such a puzzle, there are others that students will find interesting. One of my favorites is a puzzle made up of five triangles. In this post I want to tell you about this puzzle; I will give you a master so you can make a Five Triangle Puzzle  for yourself. I’m then going to leave it for you to solve the puzzle, and finally, I’m going to come back to it in a later post to talk about the solutions. I’m hoping in the mean time to hear from you about how you thought about the puzzle and to hear about your solutions and anything you might have learned by workin

The Five Triangle Puzzle: Composing and Decomposing

Beginning in first grade and continuing through the grades, the Common Core Math Standards emphasize composing and decomposing shapes. One way to give students experience with composing shapes is through put-together puzzles. Actually, working at put-together puzzles involves lots of composing and decomposing. Sometimes what we compose is a solution; sometimes it’s not. While the tangram puzzle is an obvious, well known example of such a puzzle, there are others that students will find interesting. One of my favorites is a puzzle made up of five triangles. In this post I want to tell you about this puzzle; I will give you a master so you can make a Five Triangle Puzzle  for yourself. I’m then going to leave it for you to solve the puzzle, and finally, I’m going to come back to it in a later post to talk about the solutions. I’m hoping in the mean time to hear from you about how you thought about the puzzle and to hear about your solutions and anything you might have learned by workin

The Five Triangle Puzzle: Composing and Decomposing

Beginning in first grade and continuing through the grades, the Common Core Math Standards emphasize composing and decomposing shapes. One way to give students experience with composing shapes is through put-together puzzles. Actually, working at put-together puzzles involves lots of composing and decomposing. Sometimes what we compose is a solution; sometimes it’s not. While the tangram puzzle is an obvious, well known example of such a puzzle, there are others that students will find interesting. One of my favorites is a puzzle made up of five triangles. In this post I want to tell you about this puzzle; I will give you a master so you can make a Five Triangle Puzzle  for yourself. I’m then going to leave it for you to solve the puzzle, and finally, I’m going to come back to it in a later post to talk about the solutions. I’m hoping in the mean time to hear from you about how you thought about the puzzle and to hear about your solutions and anything you might have learned by workin

How were last week’s NFL Playoffs Like Politics in America?

Tamara Leigh, Host of Tamara Leigh’s Trend On and Founder of Tamara Leigh, LLC In the lull weekend before # SuperbowlXLVIII match-up between the Denver Broncos (my 2nd favorite team) and the Seattle Seahawks (not a fan of the #badrefcall # Touchception against my # Packers , but am a fan of former # Badgers QB # RussellWilson ) and with 2013’s Superbowl airing no less than 5 politically underscored commercials, and with this year likely to see some again (but please no # PajamaBoy or “ talking to your kids ” about # healthcare during halftime spots), it’s as good a time as any to ponder (as in think, not Vikings QB ) the connection between football and politics — which is not any bigger than making a # LambeaLeap . Brent Hamchek, Founder Segueway Solutions and Co-Host Segueway to Success on the Linked Local Network So what do the following all have in common? # SuperBowl2014 # PeytonManning # Omaha # Charity # RichardSherman # Rant # NFLPlayoffs # CPAC # CharlieKirk