
Showing posts from 2014

EP 20: How Praise Can Accidentally Ruin Your Child’s Life

  Brian R King Every expert on parenting will tell you how important it is to praise our children. Especially the children with Autism, ADHD or other challenges. However, in spite of our best intentions, the  praise  we use to empower our children can lead to increased stress that overloads them. Listen as Brian shares a story about a time this happened to his oldest son, and how they both learned that being proud is about so much more than whether or not you win. Listen Now  EP 20: How Praise Can Accidentally Ruin Your Child’s Life

Maximize Your Organization"s Potential with Weekly Staff Meetings

We all cringe at the thought of sitting through yet another weekly meeting in which we hash out the events of the seven days and discuss what each team member feels is top priority moving forward. These meetings can seem mundane and tiresome as can the time spent creating an agenda leading up to them. In “The Advantage” Patrick Lencioni addresses how to eliminate the fuss and capitalize on time to ensure your dreaded weekly meeting not only serves purpose, but makes it enjoyable. According to Lencioni “there is no more valuable activity in any organization than the regular staff meeting of a leadership team.” He has designated weekly or bi-weekly meetings for tactical purposes. These meetings are to quickly create a real-time agenda and assess top priorities. The challenge is evaluating the importance of each priority brought up by team members while eliminating topic distractions. Lencioni suggests assessing progress and priorities by using a simple color code system. Green being goo

EP 19: How to get ready for real world responsibilities with ADHD

  Brian R King Since we were very young we were told that we needed to be more independent if we were ever going to make it in life, right? Wrong! For those of us with ADHD or Autism Spectrum challenges our best chance of reaching our fullest potential lies in learning how to form strategic partnerships with other people. Partnerships that relegate our challenges to a footnote instead of a headline. Listen as Brian explains the power of these partnerships in your life. Listen Now .   EP 19: How to get ready for real world responsibilities with ADHD

The Positive Broadcaster

Today on Straight Talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne I have Jonathan Lederman ~ “JDogg” “The Positive Broadcaster” and we discuss all about positivity, spirituality, faith, walking our talk and more… The Positive Broadcaster – JDogg – Jonathan Lederman Jonathan “JDOGG” Lederman is a dynamic speaker and coach who has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to helping other people excel. He holds a BBA in Marketing From Hofstra University. He has won numerous awards for community service including a Junior Chamber International Senatorship, The Governor’s Point Of Light Award, The WRMF Hometown Hero Award. He is a Returned U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer having served in The Philippines from July 2002- February 2003. He is very dedicated to The American Cancer Society and was named the 2008 South Palm Beach Unit’s Hope Award Winner and has been a STAR Supporter of Relay For Life 9 years in a row raising a minimum of $1,500 each year. His goal in 2013 to touch 1000 lives by empowering others to

Spreading the Influence with Andrew Brewer

Today on Getting Social with Miriam , I had the pleasure of interviewing I am very excited about interviewing “The Rock n Roll Psychic”, or Andrew Brewer. Andrew is nationally televised clairvoyant, astrologer, and “remote viewer” who is a also a specialist in the integration of intuition and business. Over a ten year six figure plus career, Andrew managed projects for several Fortune 500 companies and was twice selected for inclusion in “Who’s Who of Executives and Professionals”. Andrew has hundreds of appearances to his credit on both radio and television, perhaps most notably as the featured psychic and co-host, along with Erik Estrada (“Chips”) and Jenilee Harrison (“Three’s Company”), of “Kebrina’s Psychic Answer”,which aired throughout the United States and Canada from 1992-94. He is the creator of 3 decks including the “Khar – Ma: Past Lives Divination Deck” and “The Tarot of Hungarian Shadows”; in addition to being the author of 10 books, including “The Metaphoric Mirror”, “

Future of Web Conferencing

Web conferencing is important for sharing information, effective collaboration and active communication. It is efficient and saves both time and money while bringing groups together from all over the world. An excellent collaboration tool for law firms, corporations and other organizations, web conferencing allows organizations to tap into expertise that is geographically dispersed. In the future think of web conferencing for increased interactivity, engagement and accessibility from any device (Smartphones and tablets), improving presentation tools, simplifying shared documents, and enhancing Q and A. There is solid growth for business web conferencing. This form of meeting has gone mainstream. In a recent Frost and Sullivan survey of C-Level executives in N. America, 78% indicated an awareness of the benefits of web conferencing and 60% of these respondents use it routinely. Prices continue to decline making this technology available to all, from large to mid-sized and small busines

Spreading the Influence with Felicia Streeter

I had an awesome guest today on Getting Social with Miriam . Before I get into who it was, I want to add that many business owners are struggling to make even a little bit of a profit and I can understand their pain. I have definitely been there. Heck we all have. Due to their struggles, they become filled with doubts and angst. As a result, the vicious cycle of working hard and surviving continues, and that ends up bringing in a lot of frustration and unhappiness. It is a huge self esteem killer. My guest who I had on today, Felicia Streeter, helps women entrepreneurs and couples in business succeed by shifting your money mindset to increasing your income, accelerating your results, and having more awesome clients to make your business thrive. She’s all about being the Visionary and Thinking Bigger and how everything flows seamlessly in your business. She will embrace you where you are, educated you on her proved systems, and empower you to achieve your freedom day goals. She’s about

5 Undeniably Hard Truths About Success.

1. To be successful you have to stay inspired. Inspiration is the fuel that powers the engine of your soul. Invest in your heart and soul. That means you might need a better coach or mentor or a new set of friends. Inspiration is what you lose just after you stop looking for it. 2. The post 5 Undeniably Hard Truths About Success. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations . 5 Undeniably Hard Truths About Success.

Future of Web Conferencing

Web conferencing is important for sharing information, effective collaboration and active communication. It is efficient and saves both time and money while bringing groups together from all over the world. An excellent collaboration tool for law firms, corporations and other organizations, web conferencing allows organizations to tap into expertise that is geographically dispersed. In the future think of web conferencing for increased interactivity, engagement and accessibility from any device (Smartphones and tablets), improving presentation tools, simplifying shared documents, and enhancing Q and A. There is solid growth for business web conferencing. This form of meeting has gone mainstream. In a recent Frost and Sullivan survey of C-Level executives in N. America, 78% indicated an awareness of the benefits of web conferencing and 60% of these respondents use it routinely. Prices continue to decline making this technology available to all, from large to mid-sized and small busines

3 Fundamental Tips for Twitter Success

  Whether starting a personal account or beginning afresh for your brand, new Twitter accounts can feel quite scary at first. Who should you follow? Who should you talk to? Am I saying the right things? These are all the first questions that come to mind. However, if you use these three basic principles, you’ll be well on your way towards Twitter success. Follow key influencers . Who are the biggest players in your industry? Use tools on FollowerWonk and other platforms to identify with them and see what they talk about. Be an active member of the community . Once you have established yourself among the significant names in your particular field, word will spread. Contribute rich and unique content . Stand out from the crowd and engage with your audience with images, videos and text-based tweets. You will build a following by following these steps. It won’t be an overnight process. Don’t get too caught up in trying to find the right hashtag to make your business or personal profile a s

3 Fundamental Tips for Twitter Success

  Whether starting a personal account or beginning afresh for your brand, new Twitter accounts can feel quite scary at first. Who should you follow? Who should you talk to? Am I saying the right things? These are all the first questions that come to mind. However, if you use these three basic principles, you’ll be well on your way towards Twitter success. Follow key influencers . Who are the biggest players in your industry? Use tools on FollowerWonk and other platforms to identify with them and see what they talk about. Be an active member of the community . Once you have established yourself among the significant names in your particular field, word will spread. Contribute rich and unique content . Stand out from the crowd and engage with your audience with images, videos and text-based tweets. You will build a following by following these steps. It won’t be an overnight process. Don’t get too caught up in trying to find the right hashtag to make your business or personal profile a s

Test Post from Schaumburg Linked Local Network

Test Post from Schaumburg Linked Local Network

Test Post from Linked Local Network

Test Post from Linked Local Network

Klout’s Definition of Influence is Going Beyond the Score

At one time, not all that long ago really Klout based your influence only on your score. This had understandably angered a lot of people. How can you possibly measure influence based only on a numerical value? You can’t really. And I have said this all along- the score by itself is an indicator that you are engaging and active on your social media networks. However, the influence really lies within the kind of content you share, and how much reception it receives- and how interactive you are as well. Sadly a lot of people have found ways to artificially raise their Klout scores (or gaming) just for the sake of it by constantly dishing out irrelevant content, and buying followers and fake interaction. Klout has been working on methods to squash those who consistently game the system. However, those who really wanted to increase their scores this way always found a method to do so. The good news is, Klout is starting to find ways on how to determine users who are truly influential on th

Klout’s Definition of Influence is Going Beyond the Score

At one time, not all that long ago really Klout based your influence only on your score. This had understandably angered a lot of people. How can you possibly measure influence based only on a numerical value? You can’t really. And I have said this all along- the score by itself is an indicator that you are engaging and active on your social media networks. However, the influence really lies within the kind of content you share, and how much reception it receives- and how interactive you are as well. Sadly a lot of people have found ways to artificially raise their Klout scores (or gaming) just for the sake of it by constantly dishing out irrelevant content, and buying followers and fake interaction. Klout has been working on methods to squash those who consistently game the system. However, those who really wanted to increase their scores this way always found a method to do so. The good news is, Klout is starting to find ways on how to determine users who are truly influential on th

How to Get Control of Your Website: Why It’s Important for Your Small Business

It happens all too often. A potential client wants us to create a new website, but no one at the company is sure where their current website is hosted. They think it’s hosted by the same person who created their website, but he can’t be found and they don’t know where their login information was filed. Or, the company website is hosted on the personal account of a tech savvy person who used to work there, but he quit a few months ago and doesn’t feel obligated to return their phone calls or emails. And then there’s the even bigger issue of the domain name (the URL or address of your website, such as ). One new client’s domain was registered by the technical whiz kid of the business owner’s best friend. When the bill for the domain came due, the whiz kid was backpacking in Europe and no one knew that the domain’s registration was going to expire. Lost domain, lost website. The time to make sure that you are in control of your company’s domain name and website

Conscious Communities

This week on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne we talk with guest Katherine Metcalf about Conscious Communities. Katherine Metcalf LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Popular Business Internet Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio Katherine has had her nose stuck in Astrology books since the age of 13! Forty years later she is a Professional Astrologer, Intuitive and Tarot Card Reader. Katherine’s clients are mostly professional women seeking clarity in their business or personal life. She specializes in Business Consulting, Relationships & Forecasting. Katherine has taught Metaphysical Classes for the past 10 years at her home and at Paradise Valley Community College. She loves opening peoples’ minds to their own amazing gifts! Katherine is proud to be a contributing author to an Top Selling book called “Happiness Awaits You” which chronicles her personal journey to her joy-filled career. While Katherine’s days are filled consulting with clients; in 2010 she was dri

Conscious Communities

This week on Straight talk with Carly Alyssa Thorne we talk with guest Katherine Metcalf about Conscious Communities. Katherine Metcalf LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Popular Business Internet Radio with LinkedLocalNetwork on BlogTalkRadio Katherine has had her nose stuck in Astrology books since the age of 13! Forty years later she is a Professional Astrologer, Intuitive and Tarot Card Reader. Katherine’s clients are mostly professional women seeking clarity in their business or personal life. She specializes in Business Consulting, Relationships & Forecasting. Katherine has taught Metaphysical Classes for the past 10 years at her home and at Paradise Valley Community College. She loves opening peoples’ minds to their own amazing gifts! Katherine is proud to be a contributing author to an Top Selling book called “Happiness Awaits You” which chronicles her personal journey to her joy-filled career. While Katherine’s days are filled consulting with clients; in 2010 she was dri

How to Get Control of Your Website: Why It’s Important for Your Small Business

It happens all too often. A potential client wants us to create a new website, but no one at the company is sure where their current website is hosted. They think it’s hosted by the same person who created their website, but he can’t be found and they don’t know where their login information was filed. Or, the company website is hosted on the personal account of a tech savvy person who used to work there, but he quit a few months ago and doesn’t feel obligated to return their phone calls or emails. And then there’s the even bigger issue of the domain name (the URL or address of your website, such as ). One new client’s domain was registered by the technical whiz kid of the business owner’s best friend. When the bill for the domain came due, the whiz kid was backpacking in Europe and no one knew that the domain’s registration was going to expire. Lost domain, lost website. The time to make sure that you are in control of your company’s domain name and website

How to Get Control of Your Website: Why It’s Important for Your Small Business

It happens all too often. A potential client wants us to create a new website, but no one at the company is sure where their current website is hosted. They think it’s hosted by the same person who created their website, but he can’t be found and they don’t know where their login information was filed. Or, the company website is hosted on the personal account of a tech savvy person who used to work there, but he quit a few months ago and doesn’t feel obligated to return their phone calls or emails. And then there’s the even bigger issue of the domain name (the URL or address of your website, such as ). One new client’s domain was registered by the technical whiz kid of the business owner’s best friend. When the bill for the domain came due, the whiz kid was backpacking in Europe and no one knew that the domain’s registration was going to expire. Lost domain, lost website. The time to make sure that you are in control of your company’s domain name and website