
Showing posts from December, 2013

6 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

I must admit, I’m not an SEO or Social Media guru.  In fact, on a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being extremely interesting), I’d give this topic a 3.  But, after reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s book “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook,” (which I would give a 10), I’ve shifted my thinking entirely.  I also realized why, the topic has had little interest for me – most of the books, articles and blogs I had read were full of formulaic tips  – but none of the advice and tips felt like a good fit who I was and what I had to offer.  And in fact if I had applied some those tips to my blog or my Facebook posts, I would have done myself and my business a disservice by not being “myself” – or authentic. Some social media marketing mistakes to avoid: Putting the wrong content on a platform – Each platform, (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram etc.) has it’s own “native” language or how the community communicates  and interacts with one another.  A good marketer understands that “context” is just as impo

Mismatched Socks

We all have miss-matched socks. It’s the way it is. We wear socks in pairs and yet after we put them through the wash, we find some that we can’t seem to match. For years I have set these aside in the bag of mismatched socks. I associate the song from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Island of Misfit Toys with this bag of mismatched socks. Periodically, I take out the bag and successfully play match maker and another well-known song pops into my mind. Eventually I admit that some will never be matched. I use them for cleaning projects before tossing them. One winter evening I took off my boots and realized that I had worn two different socks all day. These were high quality wool socks, one tan and white, the other grey and white. In the dim light of the morning they had appeared to match. That night I teased my husband about this since he had been the one to pair them up incorrectly. We both laughed and agreed that having warm feet mattered more than having them match. Since then we don’

Leading an Inspired Life – Susyn Reeve

Are you leading an inspired life?  A life where you are fulfilling your passion and purpose.  A life where your unique gifts support and give to others.  Susyn Reeve hopes so and if you are not, she can show you how.  With 40 years of experience as a Leadership & Executive Development Coach & Mentor and Self Esteem Expert, Susyn Reeve helps individuals from Fortune 100 companies as well as physicians, attorneys, and educators find their Inspired List.  She now also supports those looking for their inspired life through her best-selling book, The Inspired Life:  Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy , and her radio show, The On Purpose Show: Your Path to Fulfilling LifeWork. During this engaging show, we talk about our core inherent purposes, how to uncover them, accept them, and manage their transformation over time.  Susyn and I discuss how to avoid regret and attacking ourselves for wasted time so we can focus on starting to live our inspired life now.  Susyn provide

Deanna Wharwood The Veterans Coach

Today on We Plus You, Straight talk about Conscious Business Collaborations, Carly Alyssa Thorne explores a further view of helping Veterans transition from military to non-military life with her guest Deanna Wharwood who has dedicated her life to helping many do just that.   A Note from Deanna My name is Deanna Wharwood. I am known as the Veterans Coach because I consult, mentor, train and coach active duty, veterans and military spouses who choose to transition from military life to their dream life either by getting a great job they love or starting their own small business. Unlike other coaches, consultants, mentors and trainers, I am a veteran who successfully transitioned from military life to a great job I loved and on to entrepreneurship. I lived within the military community for many years, first as a dependent daughter, then on active duty for over ten years and finally as a dependent wife. As a dependent, I coached and mentored ”military brats” and military spouses showing

VetTech.US: Serving Veterans and the Community Through Electronic Waste Recycling

by Anna Lyman Recently, HandsOn Suburban Chicago’s Veteran VISTA team, along with Patty Neuswanger, Director of Marketing & Development  had the pleasure of meeting with Marvin Keeling of the Keeling Family Foundation and Chairman of VetTech.US.  Mr. Keeling was accompanied by his wife, Therese Usher Keeling, Terry Shelley, and Robert Malnik. The meeting was beneficial [...] VetTech.US: Serving Veterans and the Community Through Electronic Waste Recycling

First There Was Sound – Healing through Ancient Music with Eliana Gilad

Eliana Gilad joins us from Jerusalem especially for Christmas week to share with us the power and history of sound.  Eliana is a motivational speaker, teacher, composer, performer and founder of Voices of Eden Ancient Healing and Transformational Music. She is dedicated to her life’s work to revive the conscious use of voice and rhythm as natural healing instruments.  Eliana is a frequent keynote presenter, teacher and performer at healing music, medical, and peace conferences throughout the world including the UN, The Chopra Center, and TEDx.  She is also author to Rhythms of the Natural Voice – Sound Healing with Hebrew Meditation Workbook and Quiet in the Eye of the Storm:  Living Peace in a War Zone .  Sound is the essence of all matter and the spark of all creation.  It emerges from a place of silence and exists without cognitive thought.  Sound is our essence and our soul.  This is why, when we are disempowered, it is said we have “lost our voice.”  Our voice, our sound is

Follow Your Dream in 2014

My husband and I were blessed to visit Mexico three times in 2013.  The last visit we finally met Tori and Mike in person.  We had met them online and they were nice enough to ask us to visit them at their home in Pescadero.  After an hour bus ride from Cabo San Lucas, we arrived at the stop in Pescadero.  Following their directions, we walked down the dirt road near the Pemex gas station.  We courageously walked past their neighbor’s barking dogs and rang the bell on the metal gate.  Harley their dog met us.  We spent the afternoon hearing Tori and Mike’s story of moving from Oregon to Mexico 20 years ago.  Now they have a beautiful casita and one they rent out .  He is a local architect and builder .  She creates and sells pottery.  They were untouched by age, happy, and living their dream.  As my husband and I discussed our dreams, Mike wisely said, “If you have an inkling, do it.” What have you had an inkling to do?  Maybe it is an old dream that has followed you from childho

First There Was Sound – Healing through Ancient Music with Eliana Gilad

Eliana Gilad joins us from Jerusalem especially for Christmas week to share with us the power and history of sound.  Eliana is a motivational speaker, teacher, composer, performer and founder of Voices of Eden Ancient Healing and Transformational Music. She is dedicated to her life’s work to revive the conscious use of voice and rhythm as natural healing instruments.  Eliana is a frequent keynote presenter, teacher and performer at healing music, medical, and peace conferences throughout the world including the UN, The Chopra Center, and TEDx.  She is also author to Rhythms of the Natural Voice – Sound Healing with Hebrew Meditation Workbook and Quiet in the Eye of the Storm:  Living Peace in a War Zone .  Sound is the essence of all matter and the spark of all creation.  It emerges from a place of silence and exists without cognitive thought.  Sound is our essence and our soul.  This is why, when we are disempowered, it is said we have “lost our voice.”  Our voice, our sound is

Follow Your Dream in 2014

My husband and I were blessed to visit Mexico three times in 2013.  The last visit we finally met Tori and Mike in person.  We had met them online and they were nice enough to ask us to visit them at their home in Pescadero.  After an hour bus ride from Cabo San Lucas, we arrived at the stop in Pescadero.  Following their directions, we walked down the dirt road near the Pemex gas station.  We courageously walked past their neighbor’s barking dogs and rang the bell on the metal gate.  Harley their dog met us.  We spent the afternoon hearing Tori and Mike’s story of moving from Oregon to Mexico 20 years ago.  Now they have a beautiful casita and one they rent out .  He is a local architect and builder .  She creates and sells pottery.  They were untouched by age, happy, and living their dream.  As my husband and I discussed our dreams, Mike wisely said, “If you have an inkling, do it.” What have you had an inkling to do?  Maybe it is an old dream that has followed you from childho

Face-to-face Networking: 60-second Solutions – - Give How with Your Why When Making a Presentation

As a speaker, I have the opportunity to sit through a lot of other people’s presentations. Most are enjoyable and valuable. There are those “others” – the ones where I keep thinking, “There has to be some “how” coming along with all this theory and why.” The presentation ends without it and leaves me wondering, “Is the presenter so desperate for business that s/he could not give even a few tips?” It’s a controversial topic. How much do you give the audience so they still want more and will hire you? Some say that if you give too much “away,” they won’t need you. They pretty much stick to only why … and self-promotion. Case in point: During the Q&A following a presentation on SEO, I asked the presenter for some “how to” tips because there had been none. Zero. His answer was animated. He grabbed his business card, ran over to me and said, “You have to hire me for that information.” No thank you. Others educate you with how along with some why. I definitely fall into the latter catego

A Reminder that Pain is Invisible

Last summer I met a lovely woman at a girl’s night out. She was about ten years older than me and as I listened to her and watched her, I thought how I would like to be like her. She was trim and fit. She had an elegance and grace about her. She was my idea of a true lady. Sadly, last week I heard she was missing. Soon after I learned that she had taken her own life. I barely knew her but both felt bad for her and her family and was angered by this. She appeared to have it all. I wondered if something had happened, if something had changed. The more I thought about this the more I considered that she may have been suffering but that it did not show. And I wondered how many people walk around with their invisible pain, purposefully hiding it from others. I have many unanswered questions. Did she feel ashamed? How long did she carry this burden? How many people knew her and were unaware of what she was going through. How do loved ones deal with such a death? Losing someone is difficult b

Empowering Those with Disabilities – Debra Ruh

Debra knew that her daughter Sara was bound for great things.  But no one else seemed to agree.  Not the doctors who said she would never speak or walk.  Not her teachers who thought her best hope was becoming a bagger at a supermarket.  Debra and Sara knew differently and now Sara in her 20’s hs been named one of the Top 40 Under 40 in Richmond Virginia and has spoken to groups around the world.  Sara also has Down syndrome. Sara and her story have affected those near and far to her changing the course of their lives.  One person thus affected is her mother Debra who wrote in The Mobility Resource ,  “I believe that God does not make mistakes when a child with Down syndrome is born.  Instead many people with Down syndrome are great teachers – if we stop and listen to their wisdom.  Disabilities are part of life.  We need to embrace the lessons that we are taught by our abilities and disabilities.”  Debra’s experience not only affected her viewpoint on life, but also her career.

The Advantages of a Disadvantage

One of my early childhood tribes, Rochester, NY  (I’m on top step) I re-connected with an old friend last week.  We hadn’t seen each other in 43 years!  Other than my family members, I have known this friend longer than anyone else in my life, except for one other.  But we hadn’t been in contact with each other, until a few months ago.  We’ve had  a wonderful exchange of emails and a bit of serendipity that led to an in person reunion. It’s been a cathartic experience for both of us. We were teenagers, who used to “hang out” together. We went to different schools and we lived in different neighborhoods but for a couple of quick years, he, I and a few other friends, hung out together, on the warm spring and summer evenings of our youth. Until I moved…..again.  It was probably the tenth time that I had moved and changed schools, and I was only 16 years old and mid-way through my junior year of high school.   I suppose you could say that I had lived the life of a rolling stone. But it was

Seven Ways to Ward Off Unemployment Fatigue

Separating from the military without having a job lined up is nerve-wracking enough. Being in the same position months later can be a lot worse. Unfortunately, it’s quite possible for veterans to be faced with this kind of situation in today’s still-sluggish economy. It can easily lead to “unemployment fatigue,” which not only can affect [...] Seven Ways to Ward Off Unemployment Fatigue

Inviting your child with special needs to be more confident

“When you complement your children, praise them for inner qualities such as kindness, honesty and perseverance so they will strive to contribute to the world in meaningful ways.” – Toni Schutta   When my boys were younger they came to believe that their primary purpose in this world was to be a source of frustration for others. They spent so much time on the receiving end of correction that it was difficult to see themselves as more than a broken human being in constant need of repair. As they struggled with autism and all the difficulties it brings, all they were really trying to do was find the valuable part of themselves that the world would appreciate. I did a lot of traveling over the past week as I presented to various groups on the communication strategies I’ve learned over the years. It was an exchange with a mother during the final presentation of the week that stands out most in my mind. She has a young daughter on the spectrum with very low self-esteem. The mother shared t

A reminder you won’t forget

“Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down.” -  Hector Berlioz If you have a learning challenge that affects the way your brain processes information here is a truth that you MUST accept if you are ever to lead a full life. Ready? Your brain is unreliable. I’ve met countless of my fellow autism spectrumites who have fallen into the trap of immaculate perception – the belief that their perception is in some way infallible and everyone else is wrong. At one time I found myself in a similar trap and do you know where I ended up? Alone, that’s where. The fact is, no brain, whether its workings have a label or not sees everything. We miss things either when we’re stressed, tired, scattered or whatever the reason. For many of us (myself included) scattered is our default setting. We can either see ourselves as victims or see our circumstances as a miraculous opportunity to be resourceful. I had a conversation recently w

HandsOn Suburban Chicago Helps Open Multi-Agency Resource Center

HandsOn Suburban Chicago ( HOSC)  provided assistance at the opening of a Multi-Agency Resource Center  (MARC ) in Diamond City, Illinois on Dec 2, 2013. The purpose of the center is to make it easier for people effected by the  November  17th tornadoes to access disaster-related relief services and information. The MARC brought representatives from more than 35 [...] HandsOn Suburban Chicago Helps Open Multi-Agency Resource Center

Into the Woods

The post Into the Woods appeared first on Practically Sustainable . Read more at: Practically Sustainable Into the Woods

The Power of One

The journey is over and the memories have begun to fade.  But the legacy lives on in the film my daughter and I created, when we set out some 3 years ago seeking individuals who were making our world a better place. And indeed, we found many people – ordinary people who were doing extraordinary things. And every one of these people had one thing in common – they had found their purpose in helping others.  The more they gave – the more they got back in return.  But none of them “gave” with the idea of getting something in return. It wasn’t about getting money, favors, recognition, or other ego related pursuits, it was about caring for their “fellow man”. I think that the biggest reward for me in making this film, was sharing that experience with my daughter.  She was fortunate to have been born and raised in a beautiful and privileged part of the world and I wanted her to have a greater global perspective.  It’s almost impossible to “care” for your “fellow man” when if you don’t have an

It’s An Inside Job

“You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.  That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn.  I love irony.  Last month I was interviewed on the On Purpose radio show.  My segment was called, “Take Back Your Life: From Burnout to True Balance.”  We talked about my personal transition five years ago from burnout to a true balanced life.  The joke was, during the interview, I was feeling burnt out. No matter how vigilant we are, burnout can hit us throughout our life.  We do well until a family member becomes ill and we are the primary caretaker.  We love our job, but due to layoffs we become the only one left in our department.  A relationship we thought was stable becomes demanding and draining.  The source of the burnout looks differently but it all comes back to the same issue.  The issue is focusing outside of ourselves instead of in. Perception – Pain – Outside Burnout is caused by giving priority to things or people outsi

Hardwiring Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson on The Empowerment Show

Buddha’s Brain by Dr. Rick Hanson is one of the books that changed my life.  In this book Dr. Hanson provided concrete scientific proof that we can improve our experiences by retraining our brain.  The concept of neuroplasticity was instrumental in changing my life and the lives of my clients.  In Buddha’s Brain , Dr. Hanson explores the plasticity of the brain and how religious, spiritual and ancient practices of meditation and pray affect how the brain factions.  His new book, Hardwiring Happiness:  The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm and Confidence , builds on this concept and provides very practical tactical ways we can rewire our brains to experience more happiness.  Think of it as building your muscles.  If you want to have a strong healthy body, it is necessary to exercise and utilize those muscles every day.  If you had an amazing workout one day and then sat on the couch for the rest of the week, the muscle tone would not last.  The same goes for our brain. For s

Into the Woods

The post Into the Woods appeared first on Practically Sustainable . Read more at: Practically Sustainable Into the Woods

The Power of One

The journey is over and the memories have begun to fade.  But the legacy lives on in the film my daughter and I created, when we set out some 3 years ago seeking individuals who were making our world a better place. And indeed, we found many people – ordinary people who were doing extraordinary things. And every one of these people had one thing in common – they had found their purpose in helping others.  The more they gave – the more they got back in return.  But none of them “gave” with the idea of getting something in return. It wasn’t about getting money, favors, recognition, or other ego related pursuits, it was about caring for their “fellow man”. I think that the biggest reward for me in making this film, was sharing that experience with my daughter.  She was fortunate to have been born and raised in a beautiful and privileged part of the world and I wanted her to have a greater global perspective.  It’s almost impossible to “care” for your “fellow man” when if you don’t have an

It’s An Inside Job

“You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.  That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn.  I love irony.  Last month I was interviewed on the On Purpose radio show.  My segment was called, “Take Back Your Life: From Burnout to True Balance.”  We talked about my personal transition five years ago from burnout to a true balanced life.  The joke was, during the interview, I was feeling burnt out. No matter how vigilant we are, burnout can hit us throughout our life.  We do well until a family member becomes ill and we are the primary caretaker.  We love our job, but due to layoffs we become the only one left in our department.  A relationship we thought was stable becomes demanding and draining.  The source of the burnout looks differently but it all comes back to the same issue.  The issue is focusing outside of ourselves instead of in. Perception – Pain – Outside Burnout is caused by giving priority to things or people outsi

Hardwiring Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson on The Empowerment Show

Buddha’s Brain by Dr. Rick Hanson is one of the books that changed my life.  In this book Dr. Hanson provided concrete scientific proof that we can improve our experiences by retraining our brain.  The concept of neuroplasticity was instrumental in changing my life and the lives of my clients.  In Buddha’s Brain , Dr. Hanson explores the plasticity of the brain and how religious, spiritual and ancient practices of meditation and pray affect how the brain factions.  His new book, Hardwiring Happiness:  The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm and Confidence , builds on this concept and provides very practical tactical ways we can rewire our brains to experience more happiness.  Think of it as building your muscles.  If you want to have a strong healthy body, it is necessary to exercise and utilize those muscles every day.  If you had an amazing workout one day and then sat on the couch for the rest of the week, the muscle tone would not last.  The same goes for our brain. For s

It’s An Inside Job

“You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.  That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn.  I love irony.  Last month I was interviewed on the On Purpose radio show.  My segment was called, “Take Back Your Life: From Burnout to True Balance.”  We talked about my personal transition five years ago from burnout to a true balanced life.  The joke was, during the interview, I was feeling burnt out. No matter how vigilant we are, burnout can hit us throughout our life.  We do well until a family member becomes ill and we are the primary caretaker.  We love our job, but due to layoffs we become the only one left in our department.  A relationship we thought was stable becomes demanding and draining.  The source of the burnout looks differently but it all comes back to the same issue.  The issue is focusing outside of ourselves instead of in. Perception – Pain – Outside Burnout is caused by giving priority to things or people outsi