
Showing posts from 2015

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Day.

If you could have any future that you imagined, what would that look like for you? What skill are you missing that would have the greatest impact on you being successful? What are you not willing to do in order to make progress towards being successful? What do you know already that you can start implementing to improve your performance? What important tasks and skills do you find yourself procrastinating or avoid doing at all? What type of mentors, coaches, or mastermind group would be most beneficial to get you where you want to be? What personal vices are limiting your ability to operate at peak performance each day? What else are you involved with that is competing for your time, attention, and performance? What simple things bring you the greatest pleasure in your day-to-day life? What else do you need to know in order to move past the obstacles in your way right now? The post 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Day. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conver

Mastering The Detail Behind The Details.

It’s usually the small things that make the most difference. It’s the details that will likely determine your degree of success or failure. It’s not going to be one big moment or one grand experience that automatically propels you from where you are to where you want to be. That’s luck. What you’re living is life. If you want to be better than you are now, you have to improve the seemingly insignificant tactics you execute on a daily basis. The small things you most often take for granted. That will take a conscious effort — which means you’re going to feel wildly uncomfortable getting started. But like any exercise done right, when you begin to improve you find yourself addicted to forward progress. But it’s all hard, painful work. Figuring out the details to improve and finding new ideas for being better than you are right now doesn’t happen automatically. There are things right now you know you could improve. They are the sort of things you’re making excuses for right now while you

An Overview of Grief with Dr. Mekel Harris

On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House , the topic of grief was spoken about, the process and how it affects us a whole. Because, at some points in our lives, we will be faced with grief which is difficult for everyone to process. I interviewed Dr. Mekel Harris, who is a licensed psychologist and nationally certified health service provider, Associate Professor, community advocate, volunteer, and mentor in Los Angeles, California. In her professional work, Dr. Harris focuses on health and wellness and has a particular interest in providing therapy, consultation, and training in the area of grief and loss. Within the past 5 years, Dr. Harris has presented at several national and international conferences, focused on sharing her expertise in grief and loss, including end-of-life care with children diagnosed with life-limiting conditions. Most recently, she traveled to Spain for international conference presentation, and in May 2016, she will travel to Argentina to discuss ta

An Overview of Grief with Dr. Mekel Harris

On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House , the topic of grief was spoken about, the process and how it affects us a whole. Because, at some points in our lives, we will be faced with grief which is difficult for everyone to process. I interviewed Dr. Mekel Harris, who is a licensed psychologist and nationally certified health service provider, Associate Professor, community advocate, volunteer, and mentor in Los Angeles, California. In her professional work, Dr. Harris focuses on health and wellness and has a particular interest in providing therapy, consultation, and training in the area of grief and loss. Within the past 5 years, Dr. Harris has presented at several national and international conferences, focused on sharing her expertise in grief and loss, including end-of-life care with children diagnosed with life-limiting conditions. Most recently, she traveled to Spain for international conference presentation, and in May 2016, she will travel to Argentina to discuss targ

Whatever you do, Never Buy into The Secret

Anyone who is unhappy with his or her life will want to find ways to improve it and to make it better. This especially rings true for those who suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. Most would be desperate enough to try anything to escape the living hell they are living. I know that is the case because I have tried it and now I am full of regrets. However, at least I now have the opportunity to save others who are thinking of doing the same thing from falling for something that is too good to be true . In 2006, The Secret , written by Rhonda Byrne became very popular. Burne stated if you visualized the thing you wanted the most hard enough and consistently, it would be yours! The author also stated if you only think positive thoughts, only positive things will happen to you. It was also mentioned that any kind of negative thinking would come back at you. In other words, never allow one negative thought to go through your head. And if you are a victim of any kind of traum

Telling Your Family Story

This time of year we try to spend more time with our families and loved ones. It’s also a time of year when we reflect on the people who are no longer with us. For the most part, we rely on our memories and some scattered photographs or home movies and videos. Some of my fondest memories are of my mother, father and grandparents sitting around the dinner table, long after the holiday meal was over and telling or retelling the family stories. Of course, everyone would recall the same story in an entirely different way – the way they remembered it. Every family has stories – mine certainly does and I have started to Mooney Family, Chicago, IL   collect information, photographs and even recordings of family members while they are still around to tell them. It’s such an easy thing to do with the tools that technology has provided – easy to use cameras, audio recorders,  and of course, phones that shoot photos and video. I often think that as photographers and filmmakers we are not onl

Telling Your Family Story

This time of year we try to spend more time with our families and loved ones. It’s also a time of year when we reflect on the people who are no longer with us. For the most part, we rely on our memories and some scattered photographs or home movies and videos. Some of my fondest memories are of my mother, father and grandparents sitting around the dinner table, long after the holiday meal was over and telling or retelling the family stories. Of course, everyone would recall the same story in an entirely different way – the way they remembered it. Every family has stories – mine certainly does and I have started to Mooney Family, Chicago, IL   collect information, photographs and even recordings of family members while they are still around to tell them. It’s such an easy thing to do with the tools that technology has provided – easy to use cameras, audio recorders,  and of course, phones that shoot photos and video. I often think that as photographers and filmmakers we are not only

Whatever you do, Never Buy into The Secret

Anyone who is unhappy with his or her life will want to find ways to improve it and to make it better. This especially rings true for those who suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. Most would be desperate enough to try anything to escape the living hell they are living. I know that is the case because I have tried it and now I am full of regrets. However, at least I now have the opportunity to save others who are thinking of doing the same thing from falling for something that is too good to be true . In 2006, The Secret , written by Rhonda Byrne became very popular. Burne stated if you visualized the thing you wanted the most hard enough and consistently, it would be yours! The author also stated if you only think positive thoughts, only positive things will happen to you. It was also mentioned that any kind of negative thinking would come back at you. In other words, never allow one negative thought to go through your head. And if you are a victim of any kind of trauma

52 Behaviors Of Highly Successful People.

They don’t rationalize or trivialize failure — and stop themselves when they are tempted to make excuses. They have an off switch. They know how to enjoy the moment, relax, and enjoy what they have in their life already. They don’t confuse their job with their identity They are more interested in getting things done than they are in doing things that are easy. They make every effort to finish what they start — even when it costs them more than seems reasonable. They practice what they preach. They are comfortable with new and different, even though it’s scary at times. They work to stay in shape personally — eating smart and exercising. They are vigorously effective — stay busy, productive and thinking ahead. They associate themselves with like-minded people. They understand the importance of building great teams and win-win relationships. They are ambitious and driven — they want to be awesome and work to achieve it. They always find a way to maximize their strengths and get more out

2016 Sky’s the Limit Aviation Career Exploration Camp

As the chairperson for the 2016 Women in Aviation Chicago’s Leading Edge Chapter The Sky’s the Limit Aviation Career Exploration Day, I am pleased to announce that this camp will take place at Lewis University on Saturday, September 24 from 8:30AM until 2:00PM. If there’s a girl in your life in middle or high school, we have a fun-filled, action-packed day planned to introduce her to aviation – or expand her growing interest. The girls will be in the presence of amazing role models ranging from airline pilots to aircraft mechanics to aviation industry executives. They’ll learn how to read a sectional chart, preflight a Cessna 172, learn the phonetic alphabet, fly a flight simulator, and lots more hands-on activities. A group lunch, with current Lewis University aviation students joining each table, will feature a dynamic speaker. Help encourage the next generation of women in aviation by participating in Women in Aviation Sky’s the Limit Aviation Career Camp at Lewis University. The

An Interview with a Coroner and an Author that Co-Wrote a Book About Death

On this episode of Exploring the Eighth House, Miriam Slozberg delves further into the topic of death, and speaks to author Korttany Finn, and coroner, Jacquie Purcell about the book they had co-written Spoiler Alert: You’re Gonna Die- Unveiling Death One Question at a Time . Korttany Finn has always had a knack for writing stories. She spends a great deal of time sharing humorous anecdotes about daily life with her husband, Brendan and their three children. Korttany’s love of sharing her own stories quickly expanded to those around her. She is devoted to taking other people’s experiences, tuning and polishing them to perfection, then bringing them to life in print. When not writing, Korttany mentors teenage moms at a support group that provides parenting tools and resources. Jacquie Purcell is a Deputy Coroner from Yorkville, Illinois, with over 20 years of experience in the death industry, ranging from funeral service to death investigations. She’s a nationally board certified fune

An Interview with a Coroner and an Author that Co-Wrote a Book About Death

On this episode of Exploring the Eighth House, Miriam Slozberg delves further into the topic of death, and speaks to author Korttany Finn, and coroner, Jacquie Purcell about the book they had co-written Spoiler Alert: You’re Gonna Die- Unveiling Death One Question at a Time . Korttany Finn has always had a knack for writing stories. She spends a great deal of time sharing humorous anecdotes about daily life with her husband, Brendan and their three children. Korttany’s love of sharing her own stories quickly expanded to those around her. She is devoted to taking other people’s experiences, tuning and polishing them to perfection, then bringing them to life in print. When not writing, Korttany mentors teenage moms at a support group that provides parenting tools and resources. Jacquie Purcell is a Deputy Coroner from Yorkville, Illinois, with over 20 years of experience in the death industry, ranging from funeral service to death investigations. She’s a nationally board certified funera

Take Them Back To Cave Man Days.

It’s already out there. The answer to your question. The solution to the problem that’s been bothering you. The cure for your sickness. Times change. So do countries and movements, society, cultural norms, and economic standing. People and their problems tend to stay the same. You might wear different clothes from your caveman forefathers and do different work, but you’re still challenged by the same fears and primal needs. You don’t want to lose. You don’t want to look like you’re losing . You don’t want to die. You don’t want to do things that feel like dying. What has changed over time is the dishonesty of solving those problems. It used to be that survival was pretty clear. You left home in the morning with a spear and a rock and came back with a dead animal to eat — or you starved. There wasn’t a concept of “there aren’t enough jobs out there” or any of the other excuses being made today. You had to build everything from scratch. It was expected that you would have to find the

What Does a Photographer Look Like?

When I started out as a commercial photographer more than three decades ago, it was a very different profession than it is today. It wasn’t just different in terms of technology – it was different culturally. When I went out into the workforce in 1977, it was definitely a man’s profession. I never really thought of myself as a female photographer, just – a photographer . I didn’t think the additional gender adjective needed to be part of the conversation – yet it was at that time. Sometimes it surfaced in social settings. One time, an art director who I worked for, introduced me to a very famous photographer who shook my hand and said, “You don’t look like a photographer!” And I thought to myself, “what does a photographer look like?” It was worse when the gender bias surfaced in the workplace. I’m not sure if having a male business partner made the situation better or worse. I do know that the assumption was always that my partner Tom Kelly , was the photographer and that I was eith

An Overview of Grief with Mary Lee Robinson

On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House , Miriam Slozberg talks about grief. After the loss of someone or something very important to us, we will grieve. And we all grieve after any loss in our own ways. Grief is a part of life and sometimes we will need extra help to get through it. My guest today is Mary Lee Robinson who is a certified grief coach. Mary Lee Robinson was widowed suddenly in early 2013. Finding few social outlets and resources after grief counseling, she founded a social club for widows and widowers in her area that grew to 170 members in a year. Next, she decided to gather a group of twenty five widows and widowers and write about their experiences. The book, The Widow or Widower Next Door was completed in 10 months, no easy feat with so many authors. She also became a Certified Grief Coach, of the American Association of Christian Counselors, to help guide her in her writing. It is also the hope of Mary Lee and the other twenty five storytellers that she

An Overview of Grief with Mary Lee Robinson

On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House , Miriam Slozberg talks about grief. After the loss of someone or something very important to us, we will grieve. And we all grieve after any loss in our own ways. Grief is a part of life and sometimes we will need extra help to get through it. My guest today is Mary Lee Robinson who is a certified grief coach. Mary Lee Robinson was widowed suddenly in early 2013. Finding few social outlets and resources after grief counseling, she founded a social club for widows and widowers in her area that grew to 170 members in a year. Next, she decided to gather a group of twenty five widows and widowers and write about their experiences. The book, The Widow or Widower Next Door was completed in 10 months, no easy feat with so many authors. She also became a Certified Grief Coach, of the American Association of Christian Counselors, to help guide her in her writing. It is also the hope of Mary Lee and the other twenty five storytellers that she w

Its Going To Take Time.

It takes time to turn things around. No matter where you are or what you’re trying to accomplish, the truth about being successful is that it won’t happen overnight. It takes time to create strategy that works for you — time, trial, and error. That’s okay if your life is smooth and you’re making progress each day, but difficult to deal with if you’re in a painful situation. It’s hard to be patient when you’re living through the consequences of bad decisions from your past. Getting to a better place can be all consuming. Don’t lose track of the reality that it is going to take you  time to turn things around. It took time to get you here. It’s going to take more time to get you there. Maybe even the rest of your life. That’s why it is important to manage your daily momentum. It’s not all going to happen quickly. Change isn’t always something that you can see. You have to feel it. Create it. Live it. Use smart tools like Todoist and Wunderlist to keep you scheduled and getting things don

Interview with a Mortician

On the last episode of Exploring the Eight House was a very interesting one. Today’s topic once again was one that most of us would rather shove under the rug, which is death. Each and everyone of us knows that one day we will no longer be here, however that is the extent of what we are willing to accept when it comes to death and we shove the rest about it aside. Anything to do with death frightens the average individual, or makes him or her squeamish and that is due to the fact that over several centuries in the western culture, death has been hidden and tucked away. The less we are exposed to something, the less we will be accepting of it and the less we will embrace it. I had the honor to interview a fascinating guest, Lauren LeRoy who is also known as Little Miss Funeral. Lauren is a twenty five year old licensed funeral director in New York State. The Little Miss Funeral blog was started in March 2012 as a platform for Lauren to share her thoughts and ideas on the funeral indu

The Value of Personal Projects for Photographers

For as long as I can remember, in my professional life as a photographer, I’ve always had a personal project that I was working on. I’d either be thinking about an idea that I wanted to explore or I’d be actively producing and shooting something. I never felt that I had to do personal projects . I did them because I wanted to. Taking/making photographs has never been just a job for me. It’s not something that I look forward to retiring from. It’s something that makes me feel like I am “on purpose” and living the life I am meant to live. It’s also how I communicate and connect with people. That brings me joy especially when my imagery creates awareness or provokes thought. One summer, early in our careers, my husband/partner and I decided to photograph the Jersey Shore. Wildwood, NJ   ©Kelly/Mooney We shot every weekend that summer, from the perspective of a bicycle, as we peddled our way through different towns along the shore. We spent one memorable afternoon in Wildwood taking p

Interview with a Mortician

On the last episode of Exploring the Eight House was a very interesting one. Today’s topic once again was one that most of us would rather shove under the rug, which is death. Each and everyone of us knows that one day we will no longer be here, however that is the extent of what we are willing to accept when it comes to death and we shove the rest about it aside. Anything to do with death frightens the average individual, or makes him or her squeamish and that is due to the fact that over several centuries in the western culture, death has been hidden and tucked away. The less we are exposed to something, the less we will be accepting of it and the less we will embrace it. I had the honor to interview a fascinating guest, Lauren LeRoy who is also known as Little Miss Funeral. Lauren is a twenty five year old licensed funeral director in New York State. The Little Miss Funeral blog was started in March 2012 as a platform for Lauren to share her thoughts and ideas on the funeral indust

The Value of Personal Projects for Photographers

For as long as I can remember, in my professional life as a photographer, I’ve always had a personal project that I was working on. I’d either be thinking about an idea that I wanted to explore or I’d be actively producing and shooting something. I never felt that I had to do personal projects . I did them because I wanted to. Taking/making photographs has never been just a job for me. It’s not something that I look forward to retiring from. It’s something that makes me feel like I am “on purpose” and living the life I am meant to live. It’s also how I communicate and connect with people. That brings me joy especially when my imagery creates awareness or provokes thought. One summer, early in our careers, my husband/partner and I decided to photograph the Jersey Shore. Wildwood, NJ   ©Kelly/Mooney We shot every weekend that summer, from the perspective of a bicycle, as we peddled our way through different towns along the shore. We spent one memorable afternoon in Wildwood taking por